Looking Back at 2022: What Are Your Highlights?

We’ve been sharing our CC highlights from 2022 in the 10-Day Best Of 2022 series, but we want to hear yours too. What are some of the things that made 2022 stand out for you? Let us know in the comments below!


Highlight: Our son got engaged this summer.

Lowlight: Son deployed to Qatar for six months (not back yet). My dad was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and is on chemo, and my mom broke her patella and has been living with us, wheelchair/walker-bound, since two days after Thanksgiving. We didn’t celebrate Christmas this year.

Overall: Good riddance to 2022.

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  • Our final son to be married got engaged and we love future DIL.

  • Various travels, including taking FIL out west to see the Grand Canyon and Golden Gate Bridge for the first time in his 94 years of life (his first time being west of the Mississippi at all). Other travels for us were also great, but seeing him loving it all tops this list.

  • “Life” returning to a “new” post Covid normal.

  • Not having the lowlights we’ve had since 2018 when my dad died (then mom a year later, then Covid + related deaths, then readjustment, etc). 2022, for us, was a nice step up.

Hopefully 2023 will continue that, though FIL’s age and health have us concerned.


Highlights - definitely this past week’s vacation in Austria with the two sons and their GFs. We had been looking forward to this trip for over 2 years, and it did not disappoint. Sadly, we are to fly home tomorrow.

Older S and GF got a puppy!

Younger S got a great internship this past summer that led to a full time offer after he graduates this spring. He also has a 3.95 GPA heading into his final semester!

H finished his school sentence dec. 1 - aka completing 30 years of teaching. He is planning on retiring spring 2024 now, as he really likes his principal and two other close friends are retiring then too.

Me? I turned 50. That’s about it.


DD’19 graduated college early with honors and obtained full time employment. So now both girls are launched, debt free, and dating “the ones”. I’ve started a weddings savings account…



ShawSon got married in August to a wonderful woman at ShawWife’s family’s farm where we were married almost 38 years ago to the day.

The sale at year-end of a company that I co-founded a few years before.

Wonderful year with ShawWife as we continue to live and work at home.

ShawWife had her first west coast show and probably had her highest one year sales.

ShawD moved back to our city and we love seeing her.


The moving truck carrying ShawD’s clothes, furniture, momentos, etc. burned while in transit.

ShawWife, ShawSon, DIL and I all got Covid less than a month before the wedding.


  • Graduate last year
  • Relax from covid-19
  • worked on health & immunity
  • learnt the value of near and dear

and so on.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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