looking for a chart

<p>Somewhere along the way, I found a chart that showed qualifying scores for all states going back ten years. I can find the one that goes back five years, but not the one I found that went back farther than that. Can anyone help me?</p>


<p>I can’t remember what the website was. if I find it again, I will post link here.</p>

<p>It’s not 10 years, but it will give you the last 6 years anyway.</p>

<p>[PSAT-</a> National Merit Scholarships and Semifinalist State Cutoff Scores](<a href=“http://bigdogacb.hubpages.com/hub/National-Merit]PSAT-”>http://bigdogacb.hubpages.com/hub/National-Merit)</p>

<p>^Thanks. Yes, that was the one I could find. I should have said six instead of five. But I know that <em>somewhere</em> along the way, I have seen one that goes back more. I am just old and crazy!</p>



<p>Welcome to my world!! Please keep your hands inside of the car at all times and remain strapped in until the ride comes to a complete stop!!</p>

<p>^like! 10char</p>

<p>Hoggirl: if you go to <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/2993607-post662.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/2993607-post662.html&lt;/a&gt; you can find some historical information going back to 1999.</p>

<p>That’s it! Thanks, RobD!</p>

<p>Yay! You’re welcome :)</p>

<p>I believe the cutoff scores were “adjusted” down approximately 2 points about 2006 when the SAT writing section was introduced. I’m not sure why this had an impact (I believe it had to do with statistically aligning the PSAT writing section with the SAT results) but I do recall the appreciation from posters. The point here is that you can’t go too far back and be sure you are making equivalent comparisons.</p>

<p>Thanks. I was having a discussion with someone about what the highest cut-off score had been for our state. He thought it had been the score two years ago. Some of these “older” years are higher. When was writing added?</p>

<p>IIRC, the writing section was introduced to the SAT in the middle of 2005. (May sitting, perhaps?) The PSAT had a writing section before then–it was introduced in 1997. It took more than a full year’s worth of SAT scores before the statistical alignment occurred.</p>

<p>Just FYI, before the writing section was introduced the “selection index” was calculated by doubling the verbal score (approximately the same as what is now CR) and adding it to the math score. And in 1995 all scores were “re-centered” – brought up so that the median was about 50 on each section – so that scores before then really cannot be compared at all.</p>