Looking for colleges...

<p>Oh come on, UCB is a safety with a 10 on the usamo :-/ ;O ;-)</p>

<p>Is UCB actually a good school? I've heard taht it's undergrad program is not very good...</p>

<p>Also, how is UCB's econ/math departments?

<p>Slight Reaches:
Duke, Caltech, Wash U, Rest of Ivies</p>

<p>Matches: U Chicago, UCB, NYU Stern</p>

<p>With this list should I apply to safeties? I mean this is already alot of schools...</p>

<p>I agree with quirkily, as you have a list of schools that are all over the place with the only commonality being name recognition.</p>

<p>You have chicago and columbia which are known for their core curriculum and brown which is an open curriculum, Dartmouth which has distribution requirements but still leaves you with a lot of freedom in selecting courses.</p>

<p>While amherst and Dartmouth draw from pretty much the same pool of students, their environments (undergrad focused) are like night and day when compared to columbia, penn, jhu.</p>

<p>You list is way too top heavy. Your reaches are not slight reaches, they are reaches period.</p>

<p>You don't seem to have a safety school (including a finanical saftety unless money is not an issue).</p>

<p>Theoretically you are an unhooked candidate, and coming from Kansas is not going to be a bif geographical tip.</p>

<p>I suggest you read the thread</p>

<p>No Acceptances: One Kid's Story - A year later...
<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=192395%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=192395&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>because it looks like you could be setting your self up for the same thing.</p>

<p>Ok I already read that. It's been a long time since this post was started, and I've kinda formulated a list of colleges. Assess my chances at:</p>

NYU Stern
Upenn Wharton

<p>Someone suggest safeties too!!! Interested in econ/business maybe a math minor? Thanks!</p>

<p>Oh, yeah and about my top heavy list, I care alot about prestige. My grandma is from China, so she doesn't know alot about colleges in the United States. I really want to get into something that she would recognize, cuz I really want her to be proud of me (she has cancer, and she doesn't have much time left)...So name recognition usually comes with lower acceptance rates. Obviously I will also apply to safeties, but I just haven't found the right ones for me yet. :(</p>

<p>Nonzero score on the USAMO is a hook. I think you're fine, but you should apply to fewer schools. Figure out what you want. For instance, I applied to just 3 (MIT, Harvard, Michigan).</p>

<p>:( You haven't found the right safety for yourself yet?</p>

<p>Scroll down when looking at the USNews ranking.</p>

<p>i understand about wanting prestige, but make sure it's not 90% of your criteria. i had a lot of close friends who went to schools just because they were prestigious without ever really knowing much about what their lives would actually be like there, and almost all of them are transfering because they didn't consider what kind of fit it would be for them. it's really important. i mean dartmouth and columbia are both ivies, but the environments are completely different. figure out what it is you're looking for and apply to top schools that are compatible with your personality.</p>

<p>That's a good point. Honestly, now that I look back over it, I think Wharton is my first choice. I've never been there, but i'll prolly visit over the summer. I've been to Harvard and MIT and i loved those places too (so those aren't just the name). I really liked those two places. I'll prolly narrow my list down to like...
Wharton ED
If needed:
NYU Stern
U Chicago
What do you guys think my chances for Wharton are? (and the other schools too) and what could I do to improve my chances?</p>

<p>I think you have a solid shot at UPenn (Wharton)</p>

<p>Congrats on getting into USAMO Twice!!!
I wish I got into USAMO</p>

<p>Sophmore year: 118.5/6
Junior Year: 128/8
^^missed the cutoff barely for both years :(</p>

<p>aww, man that's tough, you were so close junior year</p>