Looking for Recommendations for Nice Apts near Campus

Looking for a place for my son, who will be a Soph next year.

Ideally, a nice/clean 1BR, 1Ba apartment to rent (for next year).

Convenience to campus a priority.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


East edge seems to be a popular choice.

What is your budget? 1 BR’s can be quite pricey when close to campus. Is there a reason why he doesn’t want a roomie to share a 2Br? It can mean a few hundred a month difference, particularly when certain bills won’t be split.

East Edge is a hike to the other side of campus. My kid lived there last year. Moved to the other side of campus to be closer this year and loves it.

Check with College Station Properties. They have several complexes around campus with studios, 1 bedrooms and up. Mine is in one of their complexes and they are very reasonably priced, less than East Edge.

There are some smaller, individual apartment buildings that are close that are thru some real estate companies.

Have your son drive around campus and write down names and phone numbers of places he likes.

There is one place right on the corner of 10th Ave & 12th St that is all 1 bedrooms. Older complex but decent.

Great location.

The older apartments and apartment complexes will be less expensive, as will apartments further away. Some complexes have shuttle buses which will make the additional distance doable. Have your son ask other students to see if they are happy with their apartment complexes, and how management handles concerns.

One caution: If your son stays late on campus or takes late classes, the apartment shuttles will probably not be running, they typically end in the early evening. Check the schedule for each apartment complex you will be considering.

I don’t think East Edge has any 1 BRs left. They typically are leased in October. They may have studios. Will your son have a car?