looking for schools with good fin. aid

<p>hey everyone, i'm looking for some schools that will offer a good premed curriculum with good fin. aid. i'd like to go to a more rural school and in the smallish side. unfortunately my grades and scores aren't stellar, so i hope they don't hurt my chances for good fin. aid. </p>

<p>female hispanic from MD
i go to a really competitive school.</p>

<p>3.61 uw GPA, 4.21 weighted
1820 SATs (i will be taking the ACT in september)
SAT IIs: Spanish- 800, will probably take Math or Bio
AP Govt: 3
AP Eng: 4/5
AP Psych: 4/5</p>

JV and V softball
school newspaper (2yrs) have an editing position next year
volunteer at a hospital
job in the summer</p>

English and French teachers (will be really good)</p>

<p>I had a rough first semester of Junior year due to family issues, and thus got a 3.24 GPA. however, this semester I will get a 3.85, because, thankfully, those family issues got resolved.</p>

<p>Thanks for any help you can provide. As of now, I am looking at Carleton and our state school. thanks again</p>

<p>Look at the sticky on the financial aid page.</p>

<p>i looked at it, it was very helpful! however, i am looking for schools that would not only give me an acceptance letter, but also a good package? what about Carleton? its my dream school right now, but I would say its a bit of a reach</p>

<p>C, I would apply to Carelton, why not! Also, I would check out College of Wooster in Ohio. They have outstanding scholarship and financial aid packages as well as a very solid program and they are in a rural location. It was my son's second choice over many good offers. He is at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wi. and loves it. You might look at that one as well because the financial aid office is the tops as well as the education. It is in a small city but the campus is beautiful and the city is like turn of the century victorian around the campus.</p>

<p>I agree - do apply to Carleton. If you don't, you will always wonder "what if?". I think you have a shot there - be sure to emphasize a passion for learning on your application. Their need-based financial aid is also quite good.</p>

<p>Also consider Beloit College in Wisconsin.</p>

<p>Are you wanting to attend in a certain geographical area? Also, are you considering college level athletics?</p>

<p>no geographical area in specific, anywhere really would be good, as long as the college atmosphere fits my personality and will cater to my interests. when it comes to sports, i just want a school with really good club sports and intermurals.</p>

<p>don't listen to these people... what are these no-name schools they are talking about? if u are financial need= FAFSA= you're parents have a low income? then, ANY COLLEGE will give you a full ride based soley on need, merit doesn't matter especially liberal art schools, like ivies.</p>

<p>the thing with my family is that we make enough money to not be considered low income, but we don't make enough to pay for it and have my parents and sister live comfortably, especially since my sister is a year younger and my parents will have to start paying her and my college tuition</p>

<p>you can get a full ride if you're low income to just about every school there is, so if you have a dream school, then go for it. check out their financial aid page and you'll see.</p>

I see in an earlier post that you are not a US resident, is that still true? I ask because that would likely affect both your chances for acceptance (only residents are considered URM) and financial aid possibilities.</p>

<p>Also, I think hope you are knowledgable enough to not pay attention to the last poster who states, "you can get a full ride if you're low income to just about every school there is, so if you have a dream school, then go for it." Beside the fact that you state your family is not low income, FA is not as simple as that for many reasons.</p>

<p>entomom go look up any college. they all say. "we are willing to meet full demonstated financial cost..need etc... of all our applicants" even the ivies. so u need to listen and learn... everyone knows it but you.</p>

<p>you know they can meet need with lots of loans right? there is no great bargain in that GA......</p>

<p>harvard said if you make 60,000 or less. families won't have to pay at all for attending.</p>

<p>EFC-0 does not mean a full ride, even with a high GPA & test scores plus exceptional EC. Better get your facts straight. You can find evidence of that on almost every thread.</p>

<p>GA, for a poster who today said both: "i'm nigerian. not by birth though. i live in ga as well. probably some top schools. i like emory, duke, boston univeristy, and virginia." AND "i am double majoring biology and spanish. I AM ALREADY IN COLLEGE", you'd better quit while you're behind.</p>

<p>Yes, I know about Harvard's FA policies, since my D was accepted there (as well as Y & P) this year :). </p>

<p>No, colleges do not all say they will meet 100% of need, only some of the very selective colleges with large endowments do. And, the college determines what need is not the family. And, as MK alluded to, need can and is likely to include loans and work study. If you want to recommend Harvard and Princeton to the OP (who already told you that she is NOT low income), fine, but don't say that any dream school she wants to apply to is likely to give her a free ride.</p>

<p>stop snooping, if you knew any better...... i am in college. i am not doing a senior year in highschool, i'm in one of those programs where u can spend your junior/senior year in college .. live on campus and all. and get credit for both.... i want to transfer afterwards dummy.</p>

<p>If you are considering Yale, please do not hesitate to apply because you fear the cost will exceed your family's means. Yale College admits students on the basis of academic and personal promise and without regard to their ability to pay. Once a student is admitted, Yale meets 100% of that student's demonstrated financial need. All aid is need-based. This policy helps to ensure that Yale will always be accessible to talented students from the widest possible range of backgrounds. - FROM THE YALE WEBSITE</p>

<p>entomom- I got my residency about 6 months ago, so I don't think that'll be an issue,</p>

<p>GA, I apologize if I jumped to conclusions. However, I must say that given the extremely misleading information you were giving the OP, it was not a hard reach. </p>

<p>Please read the rest of how Yale gives FA (also from their website): The student effort is the sum of the student income contribution (part of the family contribution) and the self-help. For 2006-2007, the student effort total is $6,200 for freshman ($4,400 self-help plus the $1,800 student income contribution). </p>

<p>I'm not trying to fight with you, I just want to make sure the entire picture is given to the OP who is NOT low income.</p>

<p>CAB, thanks for the clarification. One more question, your thread title referrs to FA, but are you also looking for schools that may offer you good merit aid? I ask because these are likely to be a very different set of schools and you may want to aim your school list towards some from both in order to find an affordable school that you like.</p>