<p>Please recommend me some schools that would be good for me. I am interested in finance, but I am going to write my essays as a prospective pre-med/biology major to fit with my EC's. I'm not really concerned with the size of the school but I definitely don't want to go to the South.</p>
<p>SAT- 2180
M-760CR-720 WR-700
SAT II's- Math IIc-740 Biology- 780 Us History- 760
Ap macroeconomics 5, AP Microeconomics 5, US History 5
Rank: 34 out of 570 (no honors classes Freshman year killed me)
average high school in NJ (sends a decent amount to top 20 schools)</p>
<p>Freshman year (3.54)UW No honors classes</p>
<p>English B+
Geometry B+
History A-
Biology A-
Latin A-</p>
<p>Honors History A
Honors English A-
Algebra A-
Chem A+
French A- (Latin was cancelled)</p>
<p>Junior Year All honors classes.(3.95 most rigorous possible except honors English)</p>
<p>Honors English- A-
Honors Pre-Calc- A
AP US History- A
Honors Physics- A
AP Economics- A
French II- A</p>
<p>EC's- (I couldn't do anything freshman/sophomore year because i had to watch my little sister while my mom was at work, will be addressed in my guidance counselor's recommendation)</p>
<p>Certified Emt-B
President of cadet corps on first aid squad 200 hours
200 hours volunteered at hospital
Treasurer of Health Careers club
NJ governor's school
Chess Team 5th table (11th and 12th)
Math League(11th and 12th)
Science League(11th and 12th)
Octagon club (11th and 12th)
National Honor Society</p>
<p>I would recommend Tulane as a good pre-med also with finance but it’s in the South. It would likely give you a great scholarship (altho deadlines may be this month).</p>
<p>St. Louis U might also be a good idea, also scholarship possibility (don’t know the deadline).</p>
<p>Do you need a lot of financial aid? Would your family qualify?</p>
<p>Since NJ is your home state, why not Rutgers?</p>
<p>For schools at different levels of selectivity offering finance and premed programs of quality, Penn, Muhlenberg, Brandeis, Ursinus, Franklin & Marshall, Susquehanna, Gettysburg, Marist, Alfred, Northwestern, Duke, Carnegie Mellon, Pitt</p>
<p>Your qualifications are strong enough that you could reach for some of the Ivy League schools or top liberal arts colleges, if they interest you. Or other leading universities (Hopkins, Chicago, Northwestern, WUSTL, Georgetown, Notre Dame). It’s hard to give more tailored recommendations without knowing more about what you want in a school. Urban or rural? Are sports or fraternities important? Would you welcome the most demanding academic environment, or do you want decent academics in a more laid-back atmosphere? Do you qualify for financial aid? If not, are your parents willing to pay ~$50K/year for the most expensive schools?</p>
<p>UPenn/Wharton would be one of the most prestigious (and selective) choices for a finance major. If you want to do an econ major, the University of Chicago has a well respected department. Georgetown offers good opportunities to study finance from an international perspective.</p>
<p>There are many other good schools, including less selective, less expensive ones. Browse through school descriptions in a comprehensive college guide book, or a web site such as Princeton Review, to get a sense of what appeals to you.</p>