If your child has all the required documentation in, can they still turn in letters of recommendation up until Dec. 8th?

…don’t even get me started about my daughter not reminding her teachers…

Yes! Upload it by Dec 8 at 11:59!!!

Thank goodness @Thelma2 - I was starting to be paranoid the world was against these recommendations.

My daughter’s Girl Scout leader moved away so they have been coordinating via text and email. On Tuesday she confirmed she would write the reference when she got home from work. We still don’t have it. Today my daughter sent me the text she was going to send - to make sure it sounded polite and not demanding, but conveying urgency. Within 2 minutes of me saying “send it” there were breaking news alerts about that large earthquake in Alaska. Yes, her troop leader now lives in Anchorage. She is pretty shaken up but not hurt. They had to be evacuated from their office. So I’m not holding my breath on that recommendation today.

You life @BlueBayouAZ Oh My Gosh how scary. Glad she is unhurt. I understand there is a tsunami warning out and I really hope that comes to nothing.

Two letters of reference submitted today! They are from her Digital Arts teacher (she want’s Visualization/animation) and her Girl Scout leader (been a scout since 1st grade, working on her Gold Award, equivalent to Eagle Scout) I guess she has done everything she can - now it’s just time to wait.