Lost Keys

<p>I'm currently attending UW Madison and I lost my room keys. I know that it cost 50$ to get a lock change, but are there any addition payments that I have to make like my roommate's key, etc?</p>

<p>why are you asking us and not your RA? geez, dude, learn to solve problems without the internet.</p>

<p>Do you live in a UW-Madison residence hall or a private apartment?</p>

<p>@jkeil911: at UW-Madison they are not called RAs, so I take it you do not ‘go here’.</p>

<p>Check with your House Fellow, but as I recall, the locks don’t have to be changed, it is just a surcharge for getting a replacement. </p>

<p>Don’t worry, there is lots to adapt to, lots of new info to remember. And, for what it is worth, those keys may turn up, if you can make it a bit coordinating with your roommate before you getting a replacement key. My son’s first semester, seems like he “lost” his phone, laptop and back pack within the first few weeks but they turned up within a day. </p>

<p>Have fun this week, and congrats – UW is amazing school!</p>

<p>I found out about son’s lost key when there was an extra charge on his next housing bill. Ask at your front desk. They used to have a temporary key for a day or so before you incurred the charge so look hard for that key!</p>