Low Gpa And High Sats

<p>What happens if you have a very high score on the SAT hovering around 2050-2100 but a lowish GPA? Can you qualify for the honors program/scholarhsip based on your SAT? Afterall they say thats the single most important signal as to how you will succeed in school, what do you think?
Does someone with a low GPA (thanks to a disasater of a 9th grade year) but who has have a very big upward trend since and high sat's with good ec's stand a good chance, good enough to apply early and feel pretty good about it? Your honest opinion would really be helpful as I am trying to come up with a "game plan" and navigate myself through this whole process. Thanks!</p>

<p>Well it depends how low. if its like a 2.5 then ur probably not getting into honors and probably not getting into UM. UM does not wanna see any D's or F's. They can accept an ocassional C but a D and F will stand out negatively quite a lot. However it is 9th grade after all and they might take that into consideration assuming u got straight A's from that point on or something like that.</p>

<p>"Afterall they say thats the single most important signal as to how you will succeed in school, what do you think?" hahaha yea right. ive seen kids with perfect scores who had absolutely no common sense whatsoever and sucked horribly at what they went on to do. anybody can do well on a test they take in four hours, it takes discipline to get good grades over a period of four years.</p>

<p>These days, emphasis has shifted away from test scores and on to GPA (better indicator of performance in college).</p>

<p>As for getting scholarships and honors program. If your test scores are above the requirement and your GPA is only slightly below, you might get that scholarship. For example, your class rank is 6% at a large school, but you got a 2300 on your SAT or 34 on your ACT. You might get a scholarship that requires 5% class rank and a 32 ACT.</p>

<p>i got the presidential scholarship (24k) with a 30 on the ACT but i had a 4.0 UW and was ranked #1 in my class, im pretty sure the "requirements" they had for this scholarship was a 32 on the ACT so i guess if your gpa and rank make up for your test score you can still get one</p>

<p>wait how is a 2050-2100 high. 2200+ is high. as for me I got a 2250 in one sitting..booyay</p>

<p>thug4life i guess you are just a genuis....congrats to you!</p>

<p>If your High School GPA is around a 3.0, what would you say you need on the SAT? and also on the SAT is it all 3 parts or just Math and Critical Reading they look at?</p>

<p>if u have a 3.0 shoot for a 1200 at least. if u get an 1150 then make sure u write an amazing essay or two and send 3 or 4 letters of reference.</p>