Scholarship Chances

<p>i meet all the minimum requirements for a scholarship, but i dont have the required SAT. i have a 1250. i will take it again, hopefully i score better.
i have an above average GPA (4.13 overall and 4.5 junior year). and i am commited to track and field, ddebate club, and volunteer work. can i still get a scholarship???
(anyone of you had similar grades and score like me and still got a scholarship)?</p>

<p>i am also interested in an answer bc i have similar stats. my SAT is 1240. my GPA is 4.76 weight, 3.78 unweighted.
is there anyway i can get a scholarship? (merit based)
im taking my SAT again tho</p>

<p>Just thought I'd throw this out there. Last night I got off the phone with the head coach for track down at UM and he said with my ACT and GPA I qualified for a $45,000 scholarship. My ACT is 30 with a 3.9 GPA. I'm not sure how much athletics played into that, probably not a lot. He said if I got my ACT up a few more points, it'd be a full-ride.</p>

<p>If you are a recruited athlete, things are different.</p>

<p>However, if you're a normal student, then usually you have to meet all qualifications for a certain scholarship, unless you're just shy off a few points I believe.</p>