<p>University of Miami is my absolute top choice. PLEASE chance me if you have the time!! And be really honest because I would really like a realistic opinion. Thank you!!</p>

<p>Hi, my name is Sarah and I am from Maryland so I am an out of state resident.</p>

<p>I have a low gpa of 3.02UWGPA/3.6WGPA which I believe is my weakest point.</p>

<p>MY SAT is 670 critical reading, 630 mathematics, and 640 writing</p>

<p>I have taken a total of 6 AP classes, passed all exams, and have taken a total of 2 college courses at my community college through dual enrollment.</p>

<p>I work part time during the summer and a am year around athlete.</p>

<p>I have 360+ SSL hours and I am student council president and national honor society president.</p>

<p>I am an Asian female, Jewish, adopted and come from a single mother home.</p>

<p>I have the extenuating circumstances of a manic bipolar father who abused prescription medication, had three suicide attempts, remarried four times, and has 7 children from separate marriages, and all the stuff you could imagine that would go along; but I know a lot of people have extenuating circumstances so that may not be so significant.</p>

<p>Please let me know what you think! All input is highly appreciated!! </p>

<p>Hi @Sarah1002, Sorry to hear about all the extenuating circumstances, I cannot imagine how much of a challenge that has been. Did you take mostly honors through HS? What scores have you gotten on your APs? Did you take the ACTs?
Your SATs just make it, but as you say the GPA is on the low side. I think UMiami is getting more competitive not less so with what you describe I think UMiami is a reach. Good Luck!</p>

I took mainly all honors classes my freshman year, one ap my sophomore year, 2 ap’s my junior year and 3 ap’s my senior year as well as two college courses.</p>

<p>AP Government: 5
AP World Civilizations: 3 (But highest fail percentage at my school)
AP Language and Composition: 4
AP Literature and Composition: IP
AP Psychology: IP
AP Calculus BC: IP
And I took Econ 201 and accounting 202</p>

<p>And I did not take the ACT.</p>

Did you get in?