Low gpa, high sat!

<p>gpa: (9th to 11th grade) 3.2 *not an upward trend..:/
(if i get all a's this semester, including 12th grade 1st sem) 3.4</p>

<p>sat score: 2150 </p>

*vice president of church student council
*A lot of volunteering hours .ex: worked at an elementary school
*some work experience
*taught foreign language&math to younger kids for 3 years straight</p>

<p>these are colleges that i want to apply to:
USC, UMI, NYU, BU, UIUC, VTech, Purdue, Washington State, Michigan State
chance me please!</p>

<p>and please help me find some other decent colleges that'll accept me..thanks!</p>

<p>*USC, UMI, NYU, BU, UIUC, VTech, Purdue, Washington State, Michigan State
chance me please!</p>


<p>Your senior year grades are largely irrelevant since acceptance decisions will be based mostly on grades 9-11. Schools are going to be accepting/rejecting long before the year is over and one semester of grades won’t help your GPA much.</p>

<p>How much will your parents spend each year? You have a LOT of out of state publics on your list and they will expect you to pay all/nearly all costs. Your SAT will prevent you from many merit scholarships.</p>

<p>If your parents won’t pay much, then take off all those OOS publics. If your parents will pay for you to go wherever you want, then include some schools that WILL accept you.</p>

<p>Your SAT isn’t going to trump your GPA at many schools. Schools are going to assume that you don’t do assignments and such.</p>

<p>What is your Math + CR score?
What state are you in?
What is your intended major?</p>