Low GPA LOW SAT's -------Where do I go?

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>My highschool days are numbered. Overall my experience has been weak. I had no passion or motivation to excell in my acedemics.I am left vulnerable predicament. I am now a highschool senior, with a current gpa of 2.3, SAT Reasoning Test Critical Reading 510,Math 540, and Writing 400. I go to highschool in a boston,MA exam school. I would like to get into a college. Perhaps a college with a good engineering program and in New England. Guys.....where should I apply to? </p>

<p>I would really appreciate the help.</p>

<p>Extracurricular activities:
Seed Academy- 4 year saturday engineering program at MIT
NSBE- The National Society of Black Engineers.
Vounteering- in the School engineering workshop.
Soccer- 3 year starter.</p>

<p>Which kind of engineering interests you? You can try Northeastern, Merrimack C, Emmanuel C, Fairfield, U Hartford, U New Hampshire, St Anselm,St Michael's (VT), Providence C, Roger Williams U.</p>

<p>I appreciate the quick reply. I have not decided what type of engineering I would like to major. But I am looking into Biomedical Engineering ,Computer Engineering, and mechanical engineering.</p>

<p>If you're still involved with the MIT Seed program and the NSBE, I'd suggest you ask for some advice there --- they will probably be able to steer you towards engineering programs looking to recruit african-american students with stats in your range.
Whichever engineering program you consider, make sure it is accredited by the American Board of Engineering Training (ABET). They have a searchable database on their site that allows you to search by state, school, specific engineering specialty, and other factors - <a href="http://www.abet.org%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.abet.org&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Just in case you don't know who to contact at NSBE, The name of the new england regional pre-collegiate coordinator for NSBE is Steven Adegbente. You might drop him a polite email explaining your situation and background and ask him if he can give you some advice or point you in the right direction. You can find his email here:
<a href="http://www.nsbe.org/region1/pci/index.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.nsbe.org/region1/pci/index.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>as far as the northeast goes ... i think you are pretty much screwed, especially if your trying to go into engineering, try community college and see how that goes then transfer</p>

<p>Look at UMass - Lowell</p>

<p>Thanks for the help guys, any additional suggestions would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Carolyn, I just emailed the new england regional pre-collegiate coordinator for NSBE,Steven Adegbente.
Thanks for the help</p>

<p>I think that's the best way to go. Also, try to talk to someone at the MIT Seed Academy. I suspect that african american males interested in engineering are something of a rarity and that many colleges would be interested in hearing from you; the NSBE and the Seed Academy are the places most likely to point you in the right direction. You may, however, need to be flexible about looking at schools outside of the Northeast. You may also want to investigate some HBCU's (Historically black colleges and universities) like Howard and Florida A&M as possiblities. You can find a list of HBCU at
<a href="http://www.smart.net/%7Epope/hbcu/hbculist.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.smart.net/~pope/hbcu/hbculist.htm&lt;/a> Also visit <a href="http://www.hbcuconnect.com%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.hbcuconnect.com&lt;/a> for more ideas. </p>

<p>Finally, PM the parent who posts here named Northstarmom - she can give you some insights into Florida A&M and also some thoughts on other avenues to pursue. I'd also suggest you post your query on the parents section of CC, as we have quite a few engineering types who might have some other ideas for you as well.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that Although your scores are low compared to most engineering applicants, they are actually good compared with the averages for African American males (in 2005, average math score for black males was 433, verbal was 431). Your GPA is also not that far below the average reported GPA for black students (2.9). Focus on finding schools that will understand that, and that are eager to recruit african american students for engineering. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Im a black future engineering major (OHIO UNIV.-ATHENs '06!!!) and i know that ou-athens is trying to recruit black engineering majors. Im not sure about your stats but i got in. I guess you can give it a try....</p>

<p>carolyn: wow!! are you sure that those sat scores for black males are right?? 433 and 431, im sure you could blindly fill in circles and do better than that</p>

<p>Terry, yes, I'm sure. Keep in mind the national average in 2005 was in the low 500's for all races. We tend to forget that looking at the high scores reported here on CC. Here is the College Board report on 2005 scores:
<a href="http://www.collegeboard.com/about/news_info/cbsenior/yr2005/links.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.collegeboard.com/about/news_info/cbsenior/yr2005/links.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>wow... i never realized that while i was complaining about my 640 math score that ppl were actually getting 430</p>

<p>yeah, it really stinks.</p>

<p>Any more suggestions?</p>

<p>try community college and then transfer</p>

<p>Contact Ventures scholars, which is a free organization for first generation college students and URMs who are interested in math and science careers. Your scores qualify you for Ventures Scholars, which means you'll get info about how to apply to college, you'll get application fee waivers from some colleges and will qualify for some special scholarships from some colleges. </p>

<p>You can easily find Ventures Scholars by Googling them.</p>

<p>I dont qualify for the Ventures Scholars read their requirements " You have met at least one of the following test qualifications:</p>

<pre><code>* PSAT Qualifications: As a sophomore, you need to score a minimum of 47 on the math and verbal sections. As a junior, you need to score a minimum of 50 on the math and verbal sections.
* SAT Qualifications: You need to score a minimum of 550 on the math and verbal sections.
* PLAN Qualifications: You need to score a minimum of 18 on the math, science, English, and reading sections.
* ACT Qualifications: You need to score a minimum of 19 on the math, science, English, and reading sections.

<p>You have also met the following qualifications:</p>


You have a 3.0 grade point average or better.


<p>venture scholars is useless anyway.. im in that crap, its not even worth mentioning. They do nothing except e-mail you a stupid newsletter every month</p>