<p>Hi everyone,</p>
<p>I'm a high school junior right now and my list of colleges so far is Brown, UChicago, Pomona, Harvey Mudd, Carnegie Mellon, Reed, and Lake Forest.</p>
<p>I took the SAT I test for the first time in May, and received an 800 in CR and an 800 in W, and a 720 in M. I know the combined is good, and the math isn't bad, but I'm reasonably sure I can do better.</p>
<p>I'm especially concerned about Harvey Mudd, where my math score puts me in the bottom 25%.</p>
<p>I've maxed out my high school's math classes this year with AP Calc AB and am either going to take online classes or just self-study further next year. I'm feeling pretty good about the AP test, and have an A in the class.</p>
<p>I'm planning on taking the Math 2 and physics subject tests in the fall. I'm going to study over the summer with my xc coach who also is math/science teacher (we need something to keep us going on those long runs, lol), and am hopefully going to get 700+ on both of them.</p>
<p>Should I retake the SAT just for my math? On one hand, I feel like I'm good enough overall and that my math score isn't bad, just not great; so I shouldn't bother with a three-four hour test just to get a few extra points in one section at the risk of losing some in the other sections. Plus, I feel like it might make me look obsessed.</p>
<p>On the other hand, it's just one morning. I can make sure to pee during the breaks, focus a little more because I'm used to it, and crank out a higher score in the math, possibly bringing myself up to a 2400 superscored SAT.</p>