Lower Division Transfer

<p>Any info on this? I was accepted to UCSC (I applied to UCI, my first choice, but was rejected); however, my grades plummeted senior year (Ds and Fs in the final semester), and I just barely graduated. Needless to say my admission to UCSC was cancelled/rescinded/revoked...whatever. I just wanted to know if anyone has any experience with lower-division transfers. Thanks in advance.</p>


<p>Taken from UCTransfer.org</p>

<p>"Lower-Division Transfer</p>

<p>The University admits some transfer students before they reach junior standing, if they have met specific requirements.</p>

<p>If you were eligible for admission to the University when you graduated from high school  – meaning you satisfied the Subject, Scholarship and Examination Requirements, or were identified by the University during your senior year as eligible in the local context and completed the Subject and Examination Requirements in the senior year  – you are eligible for transfer if you have a C (2.0) average in your transferable college coursework.</p>

<p>If you met the Scholarship Requirement in high school but did not satisfy the 15-course Subject Requirement, you must take transferable college courses in the missing subjects, earn a C or better in each required course and have an overall C (2.0) average in all transferable coursework to be eligible to transfer."</p>

<p>I am pretty sure this applies to me.</p>