Lower division vs. Upper division

<p>I'm an incoming exchange student for the Fall semester and I'm a bit confused as to how lower division and upper division subjects work.</p>

<p>I am classified as a Junior. Am I able to take both lower division and upper division courses, or only upper division?</p>


<p>You should be able to take both if you want to! I’m a sophomore and I qualify for upper division classes in my area. Although by now you shouldn’t really have to take lower division classes anymore unless some interest you or you still need to fulfill a requirement!</p>

<p>Thanks! Yeah I don’t really know why I’m classified as a Junior, I’m only second year uni in Australia, but the education system seems to be different. There’s some Psych courses at lower division which I need to take, and by taking upper division as well I can avoid a course clash :)</p>

<p>I’m a junior and I’m taking 4 upper-division and 1 lower-division course this semester. There are a very small number of courses that are for lower-division students only, but it’s unlikely you’ll run into them.</p>


<p>At least you went up a level here and not down! That’s concerning though - if for some strange reason I ever went to school in Australia, I’d probably go down a year or something then! D: Good to know!</p>