Lowest Accepted UC scores

<p>What are the lowest scores of people you know that have been accepted to UC’s?</p>

<p>I got into UCLA, UCB, and UCD with a 3.8 weighted GPA and 1560 Sat’s.</p>

<p>My friend got into UCLA,UCD, UCB and Cal Poly SLO with 1150 Sat’s and 3.7 weighted GPA.</p>

<p>Also, some girl I see around school got into UCSC and UCI with a 3.3 weighted GPA and 900 SAT’s. No, that is not a typo.</p>

<p>Share your stories.</p>

<p>^ That is going to get some people on the rage wagon</p>

<p>I mean, seriously... and I thought my SATs were low! F that.... the girl your talking about is bogus</p>

<p>If I showed my son this thread he would have a fit. Sure doesn't seem fair.</p>

<p>Yeah, she's pretty stupid if you ask me. I was told scores around 1500's is a pretty good SAT score. I don't know why everyone is all worried about getting around the 2000's range..! Calm down folks! Where did your son want to go to?</p>

<p>Are you kidding?! People at my school were getting rejected from UCB and UCLA with 3.8 unweighted (4.3 weighted) and 2200/2300s SATs.
Getting a 1500 is just unheard of where I go.</p>

<p>There are a lot of myths about UC admissions. This is not the time and place to go into all of them.</p>

<p>The main point to bear in mind for all aspirants to the top UC campuses is that hands down GPA matters. GPA is far more important than SAT/Subject Tests/ACT scores. A high GPA will often trump lousy SAT scores.</p>

<p>Take UCLA for example:For Fall 2009 applicants, the following is what happened:</p>

# of
applicants % of all
applicants # of
admits admit
rate % of all
4.0 & above 24,648 47.91 10,631 43.13 92.86<br>
3.70 - 3.99 10,914 21.21 479 4.39 4.18</p>

<p>UCLA</a> Undergrad Admissions: Profile of Admitted Freshmen, Fall 2009</p>

<p>So, only 479 high schoolers with UC GPA between 3.7 and 4.0 were admitted to UCLA out of 10,914 applicants -- an admit rate of 4.39%. Berkeley numbers are expected to be similar. Obviously UCSD and UCD will have higher admit rates than UCB and UCLA from this group. </p>

<p>From kids on CC who post their statistic to show how with a 3.7 they got into Berkeley or UCLA may lead people to think they have a good chance. You don't. For UCLA, those next year applying with a GPA between 3.7 and 4.0 now know they have a 4 to 5 % chance versus over 43 % for those whose GPAs are higher than 4.0. This is the single most important determinant of admission at a top UC.</p>

<p>MissKB - I think the girl that your talking about either did something really amazing during her high school career, or she's just lying.</p>

<p>I don't even know if that girl deserves to go to a UC with a 900 score...</p>

<p>Which girl? The 1150 girl? Nah, I have more EC's than her she just came from another country just a few years ago and can barely speak English. haha</p>

<p>and the 900 girl..I don't know what to say about her. I was amazed she got in but she got rejected from all the other UC's. I guess!</p>

<p>please stop lying...</p>

<p>this is obvious bs... 900 sat score?</p>

<p>hell even a 15xx sat score? that is complete utter bs i could care less fi your the president of all the clubs on campus and have done 10000000hours of community service...</p>

<p>if this stuff is true... this shows that UC admissions are once again.... well, flawed</p>

<p>Actually I only had like 100 hours of community service and I don't have any positions at school! hahaha. Don't hate on my 1560 though!</p>

<p>I thought you were guaranteed acceptance into A UC if you had at least a 3.0 GPA. Correct me if I'm wrong. The SAT score doesn't matter.</p>

<p>Honestly, all admissions are flawed. But its not fair to judge someone based on just scores.</p>

<p>I got into UC Berkeley and USC for engineering with a 1710 SAT score. :)</p>

<p>Wow a 1560....that's like community college worthy..</p>

<p>this is bogus</p>

<p>Woud a 900 score (on a 2000 scale?) even qualify a person to be considered UC eligible?</p>

<p>No, it wouldnt. </p>

<p>I dont understand this. It's true that low SATs can be made up with high GPAs. But your GPA isnt even that great. Less than 4.0? What is it that makes you stand out then? You said yourself that you have less than 100 community service hours, and hold no positions. So what is it that got you in? Did you cure cancer?</p>

<p>And to think I felt lucky getting into UCSB with a 3.2 UC GPA and a 1970 Sat.</p>

<p>Why do people hate on low SATs and think they belong in Community colleges? =/ Maybe it just means you don't do well on generalizations on a test you can't really study for.</p>

<p>I got into UCI enviro engineer & UCD Biomedical engineer with a 4.2gpa and a 1440 SAT!
I can honestly say I have GREAT study habits and did not apply myself 100% in high school. I know I can learn something and do well on it. But SATs do not evaluate how "smart" you are.</p>

<p>I feel ya djxrave! I guess we belong to community college...hahaha, good luck in UCI or UCD or wherever you're going! People just hate too much...</p>