Loyola NO Reputation?

<p>I haven't heard much about this school, but I feel as if the small community and classes would be to my benefit. </p>

<p>I want to eventually become a physician. Pre-med bio major. Thoughts? Or will TULANE be a better choice?</p>

<p>I don't want any biases. Just truth!</p>

<p>Hi Shastaa,
I am a pre-med student at Loyola and I find the class sizes to be a huge benefit. You actually get to know your professors, which is a huge plus when it is time to actually apply to medical school. I don’t know what exactly you are looking for in a University, but I feel that Loyola was the best choice for me. I think the best thing you can do is go take a tour of both campuses, sit in on one of the classes if its available, and just see for yourself where you feel you would be most comfortable. I personally think that Loyola has a great Pre-med program, and whatever classes Loyola does not offer you can always take at Tulane because of an agreement that both schools have which leaves you a lot of options.</p>

<p>Hi shastaa, </p>

<p>When it comes to pick a university that is the best for you, I’d reccommend that you thoroughly do your research. As a high school senior, I applied to a variety of schools (from UT Austin, Tulane, Loyola New Orleans, Middlebury College) with varying sizes in student body and student to teacher ratios. Originally, I felt that a larger community would be to my academic benefit, but I find the small class sizes at Loyola to be advantageous. The professors are so accessible here and genuinely care about their students. I am not afraid to speak up in class if I have a question and am encouraged to do so by my professors. Even in my Intro to Business Class (one of my largest classes with approx. 75 people), I have the freedom to interact with the professor during his lectures. I even see him eating in the Orleans Room (Loyola’s cafeteria) with his students. </p>

<p>I would also like to note that a professor’s office hours are crucial in college and are to your benefit. The help and relationship that I’ve gained with many of my professors by visiting them during their office hours has improved my classroom experience.</p>

<p>Hope that helps, shastaa! I genuinely hope that you find the perfect school for you.</p>