Loyola U

<p>What do current students and visitors think about Loyola University regarding student body, academics, the surrounding city, campus life, etc.?</p>

<p>there is some stuff on Loyola at campusdirt.com take a look there</p>

<p>I will be attending Loyola this fall as a member of '10.</p>

<p>My impressions:</p>

<p>Student body- Preppy, conservative (not ideal for me), but seemingly nice kids. As is true for any student body, you will be able to find groups to identify with. </p>

<p>Academics- Obviously not as good as UChicago and schools of that caliber but decent. Ranked 117th. Professors from top-ranked universities. </p>

<p>Surrounding city- The Water Tower Campus is located in my favorite part of the city, so I cannot complain (I'm actually very excited about this). The Lake Shore campus has its own stop on the CTA Red Line, but shuttles are provided between campuses. </p>

<p>Campus life- I have yet to find out when I stay overnight.</p>

<p>I really didn't have much of a say in choosing to enroll. I went from being unhappy to being indifferent to being excited about college.</p>

<p>Let me clarify something: My ideal student body is comprised of mostly liberal students (colleges like Oberlin), but a good balance between conservatives and liberals is fine too. However, most of Loyola's students seem to be-- and, in fact, are--moderately conservative, because it's Jesuit and therefore attracts mostly Christians (most of whom fit that profile); by no means am I say that all Christians are politically conservative. If you knew me, you'd understand why politics is such a very important concern of mine. I just don't feel like being put on the defensive all the time simply because the majority of the population is against my views/ way of life. I don't want to spend more energy than usual trying to feel like I belong. Hopefully, this won't be the case at Loyola, but I'm not entirely sure. On the brighter side, I think I will come out of the experience stronger and more gracious, not to mention more in touch with my spirituality (whatever faith I choose to have in the end).</p>

<p>Thanks so much for your response! It was very helpful. I am trying to get a different perspective on LU after reading a multitude of negative comments on studentsreview.com. I appreciate your balanced view of the school. When will you be visiting the school for the overnight stay? If you don't mind, could you give an update of how your stay was at Loyola? </p>

<p>Also, what led to you enrolling? You said that you didn't have too much of a say in this-what is because of your parents, good scholarship/fin-aid offer, etc.?</p>

<p>I'm glad to help!</p>

<p>I don't know yet when I'll stay overnight. I will give you an update for sure. </p>

<p>Since my mother works there, I'm entitled to free tuition for all 4 years, plus more.</p>