loyola's academic rankings

<p>i dont care about the ranking of colleges much, but i noticed the ranking on us news and princeton review was suprisingly low. it was especially low in comparison to the selectivity rating (academic rating-77 selectivity-90). it is also ranked lower than colleges that are much easier to get into in us news. is there a reason for this? i know they were having financial troubles a few years ago but i thought that wasnt a problem anymore.</p>


<p>also i am curious what loyola’s reputation is in the midwest and outside the midwest. right now i am thinking i want to do pre-med, so how is loyola for getting into good med schools. i dont mean like harvard or yale med schools, but like michigan, northwestern, or wisconsin.</p>

<p>The rankings at Loyola have not made sense for some time. If you look at US News’ counselor rankings, you see Loyola has a much stronger reputation. The truth is by most measurable statistics Loyola is a stronger school now than it has ever been, that just isn’t reflected by the powers that rank. Financially it is years removed from it’s issues, which were overstated even for the time. In fact Loyola continues to grow both as a campus and as a population. At the same time the profile has improved steadily over the past 10 years. Loyola has always been a good school to prepare people for graduate study and is world class when it comes to premedical education. If you do well in the pre-med track at Loyola and on your MCATS, you can go anywhere for Med School.</p>

<p>Agreed with shedaddy. Before Fr. Garanzini (current LUC president) took over in 2001, the university was losing something to the tune of $25 mil per year. He came in and really turned everything around. He began a complete university overhaul campaign which raised about $500 million. The actual renovation of campus began in 2007 and will end fully in about 2015. In the meantime, they’ve somehow been able to raise the entering class statistics every year. Check out the stats below. In 2001, the average freshmen had a 24.5 ACT score. This chart doesn’t have the current class’s stats, but it’s the most recent I could find. At the convocation ceremony this year, they reported that entering freshmen in 2010 had an average ACT of 27. </p>

<p><a href=“http://www.luc.edu/ir/Other%20statistics/Official_Statistics_2009-10.pdf[/url]”>http://www.luc.edu/ir/Other%20statistics/Official_Statistics_2009-10.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;