<p>Many of you have seen my various jeremiads about what can be better at the University of Michigan. About a month ago I decided that instead of being another one of the countless naysayers, I'd get involved on campus, to help make things better for all students. So I'd like you all to know that I've been recently appointed as a Representative on the LSA Student Government. I'll be heavily involved on the Academic Affairs and Student Life Committees. One of the things Academic Affairs just succeeded in was the addition of an International Studies minor, which will be added to the LSA curriculum beginning in Fall of 2006. </p>
<p>So, if there is anything about UM, or specifically LSA (including the admissions process) that you think could be better, please let me know. I obviously don't have a magic wand or anything, but you never know when an idea becomes a reality.</p>
<p>Thanks for taking questions. I know this isn't an LSA question, but would you happen to know if the other colleges within UMich have student government? How did you become a part of LSA's student government? Were you elected, nominated? Did you declare yourself a candidate, or were you just very proactive and were selected?</p>
<p>Let me just say that LSA Student Government is the sweetest Student Government body a student could ask for. They're always fighting for what students want. They even started <a href="mailto:thissucks@umich.edu">thissucks@umich.edu</a> so you could give them your complaints and they promise a personalized response in 24 hours. They're awesome.</p>
<p>There is a student government for about every 10 students here at UM. J/k...but there are PLENTY of opportunities to get involved. Below is a quick rundown.</p>
<p>Michigan Students Assembly
This is the umbrella student government that represents all UM students, from LSA to Law to Med to Phd Candidates. You can run or be appointed to representative positions, and you can also be appointed to one of MSA numerous committees. </p>
<p>College student governments: LSA, CoE etc.
Each separate "college" has a student government. Participation is much like it is for MSA, you can run or be appointed. I was appointed as a voting represenative on the LSA-SG. </p>
This is the student government that represents all of the residents of the "U"'s dining system. RHA is set up a bit differantly than MSA and the other academic SG's. Each individual residence hall has a "hall council" and a "multi-cultural council" These councils elect delegates that serve as RHA reps. You don't apply to be on RHA, you must be elected from your hall council. How many positions there are depends on the size of the Res. Hall. East Quad gets 4 seats, 2 from our hall council and 2 from our multi-cultural council.</p>
<p>Actually, we get some very interesting emails from there. Often they are well thought out complaints that we try to address. Every now and then we get the nasty ones, but they aren't bad.</p>