Lunch w Visiting HS Senior

<p>My DD and I are visiting Miami on Saturday for an info session and tour and would love to take a current student or 2 to lunch on campus to get a better feel for the school. If you know a female or male student who may be interested and possibly similar to her please feel free to PM me. Even though we are from NY she doesn't know anyone there currently. Here's the scoop:</p>

<p>DD is a HS senior from Long Island
Interested in PR, Advertising or Graphic Design as possible majors
Social, interested in Greek Life

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Would love to help! Sent e-mail through CC.</p>

<p>Thejake13 I have not received a PM from you.</p>

<p>Walk around campus. Stroll through the food court. Pick out one (or two) students that your daughter feels comfortable approaching and ask if you can buy them lunch.</p>

<p>Good Morning NYMom…</p>

<p>Apparently I don’t have enough posts to allow me to send a PM, so I used the e-mail option that exists. My note was supposed to be sent to whatever e-mail you have on file with CC.</p>

<p>If that e-mail doesn’t arrive, I’ll find some other way to reach out to you I guess. In the interim, know that my daughter seems to be compatible with some of the characteristics you’re seeking in a UM student to meet and talk to.</p>

<p>That is so strange. Keep posting so you can get to PM. Lol I will check another email account I have. Thanks!</p>

<p>The Hillel website also has an option for reaching out to current students at the University of Miami.</p>


<p>Feel free to e-mail me using this name at ********</p>

<p>: )</p>

<p>Oops! Didn’t expect that either! Sorry!</p>

<p>I’ll word it this way… My e-mail is through the company that signals incoming
mail with “You’ve Got Mail”. If that doesn’t work, nothing will! Ha!</p>

<p>: )</p>

<p>I emailed your pinnacle address earlier. Did you get it? Not on computer now, can re-send it later. Thanks!</p>