Meet and greet

<p>Hey folks, I'm trying to set up a CC meet and greet type of thing for anyone here who's interested (and hopefully a few admission officers :) )</p>

<p>One of the admission officers suggested meeting in the food court, or UC patio, or something along those lines during orientation.</p>

<p>My question for all of you: when would work best? When are you getting to Miami and leaving Miami?</p>

<p>Right now I'm thinking Thursday, August 16th at around noon. It's a bit hard for returning students because we don't get into housing until the 17th but it's the only time that doesn't seem to conflict with either the parents' or the students' orientation schedules.</p>

<p>Please let me hear your thoughts! :)</p>

<p>I would love to join you, but I won’t be anywhere near campus until about 4 pm on Thursday the 16th. If you change the date/time, let me know!

<p>I’d be in, as long as my parents don’t have other plans…</p>

<p>Sounds like a good idea!</p>

<p>This sounds like a nice idea. I don’t know for sure whether I’d be able to attend as it’s going to be somewhat hectic, but I’d like to.</p>

<p>I’d be in as well, but i don’t know which day I’m getting back yet, or at what time.</p>

<p>Rob, </p>

<p>That’s a super idea and it would be great if the timing can be worked out! I’m just not sure what Thursday is going to look like at this point though. We are flying down Tuesday afternoon and will have a LOT of shopping to do once we arrive. We do plan to pre-order at BBB but I anticipate lots of trips to TGT etc will be in order to pick up everything we couldn’t bring with us on the plane (and we’re not flying SWA so we only get one bag each!)</p>

<p>I’d probably feel more confident about the schedule for Thursday if IllinoisD93 had done any shopping and/or packing to prepare, but as dindune can attest since her D saw this via Skype, so far only a comforter and one pillowcase have been purchased (by ME at ID93 has been very preoccupied with her first job and of course her social life this summer and has let the college prep shopping fall by the wayside…We have a lot of do here over the next two weeks to get ready!</p>

<p>So, how did this Meet and Greet go - were you able to pull it off? And, did some folks from admissions stop over? We go into the area around 3 pm and were both pretty bushed from the trip down.</p>

<p>Hey, sorry about this, guys. I was super busy all the way up until the semester started and never got the chance to do anything more with this.</p>

<p>I really am sorry - I think it would have been great to meet some of you before I left UM! I do know a lot of the students on here, but I don’t think I’ve met a single one of the parents (though I know DinDune has seen me from a distance, or so her son has told me! :wink: )</p>

<p>Anyway, I heard you guys had a nice meetup in the Holiday Inn or somewhere. I hope that went well, and again, I’m sorry!</p>