Lol it’s not what you think… Although it’s related. I worked for a company over the summer, but the problem was is that my official title was administrative assistant, which makes it sound like I was doing clerical work. Not true, I worked on actual models and interacted with clients almost as much as a regular employee. I asked them if could change my title on my application to Intern to at least be more ambiguous to help better represent what I did, but they’ve refused to budge. I don’t think that I will be relying on them for much anyways after this, and I think I’ve burned my bridge with them, but the work expereince I think is a critical part of my application. I really do not want to leave it as administrative assistant, and I was wondering how deeply colleges would check into this if I did.
It - doesn’t - matter.
Use the real title.
If it really bothers you, you can put the title and a brief phrase that describes what you did. But use the official title.
Thirded: don’t lie about the title, but explain your job duties if possible.