Mac or PCM for PR/advertising major

<p>I’m thinking Mac…over pc</p>

<p>will those of you with knowledge please weigh in?</p>

<p>DD has a MAc which is falling Apart and will receive the NMF iPad3… So the Mac makes the most sense from that perspective…</p>

<p>what about the “creative” programs in the school of communications?</p>

<p>I asked the same question in the Public Relations UA Facebook group because I wanted to know too.
Most people said it didn’t matter but said if you plan on wanting to do more creative things then go Mac.
A couple of people started with PC but then switched to Mac because the PC couldn’t do the creative things needed for the classes.
They also informed me that all the computers in the communication building are Macs.
They basically told me to spend the extra money on a Mac because its worth it.
Hope this helped</p>

<p>PC’s are just fine for audio/video and imaging software. It is a marketing myth implanted by Apple long ago that it is superior to the PC in this regard.</p>