Major Change

I was accepted to the criminology major at Virginia Tech, and have decided that I would actually like to major in business. Does anyone know how I can go about changing my major? I am a high school senior hoping to attend VT in the fall.

You can’t change your major until after first semester in December. That doesn’t stop you from signing up for business classes for fall. Get class advice from pamplin advisor toward getting accepted as pamplin is a restricted major they may not let you switch until after see grades for whole year.


You are right. During the freshman year you cannot change your major for a year. Wait until you get your full grades during the first year at VT. It depends on what the department can be flexible or not. Like you said, Pamplin is a restricted major. I would suggest you to talk with Pamplin Advisor and ask him questions.

You can change into an unrestricted after first semester