Majoring in Film in England?


I applied to Norwich University of the Arts, University for the Creative Arts and the University of Brighton. I was admitted to all but the latter, still waiting to hear back from them but I am fairly confident that I will be accepted. I was curious as to whether anyone on here has been to these schools/knows of anyone who has been there and could share some pros and cons about the schools in general and whichever program they took? Personally, Brighton is my favorite based on location and UCA is probably my favorite based on their program, though it is hard to tell just from reading reviews and program descriptions. My top choice would’ve been University of the Arts, London, but there was no way I would’ve been accepted.

Please let me know what you think of my three choices! And maybe some pros and cons on studying overseas for all 3/4 years of university as well (I am Greek American, born and raised in America but have been to England many, many times since I have family there and am pretty adaptable and well traveled). I was also admitted to three CSUs and each of their respective honors programs, so I have options back in the homeland if I change my mind.

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