
<p>RPI wasn't really in the top half of my list earlier but it's moved up to number one or two right now after a second visit. Just a few lingering questions.....I'm currently down as a STS major but I was thinking that I would like to switch over to biology or maybe even engineering. How easy is it to switch majors (I haven't enrolled yet), and how good is the biology program at RPI? I met with one of the assistent professors and was very impressed (can't say the same for some of my other schools...). I wouldn't mind having classes with her. I'm not really sure what I would like to do post undergrad yet; was thinking possibly med/law school. Or maybe become an engineer to fund medschool hehe. I really don't see myself being happy in a reasearch job (not that I would mind college research but doing it for a living.....not for me). Thanks for any info.</p>

<p>I have the exact same question but I’m trying to move from STS to Math haha</p>

<p>Switching any major during your first three semesters should be possible if you are willing to take a lot of possibly extra classes. If you select general engineering, all the introductory courses will be the same and you can decide which specific major you want going into your sophomore year; afterwards switching your engineering major will still be easy going into your junior year. Switching from a science major like Biology would be more difficult as only a few intro. courses overlap, and switching from math or STS would be even more difficult, probably not worth doing after the first semester.</p>

<p>Biology isn’t one of RPI’s better known departments, I don’t know anything about it, but if you’re interested in going to med. school you can do so with just about any major, as long as you’ve taken the necessary pre-reqs.</p>