
I’m an incoming freshman (c/o 2021) and I was wondering how easy it would be to change majors from the one I had on my UC app. Should I request to change now or later?

It depends on which UC you are talking about and what major you want to move into.

@lkg4answers UC Berkeley–Immunology, UC Davis–Neuro, Physiology and Behavior, UCLA–Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics, UCSD–Human Biology, UCSB–Biopsychology

Lmao basically all the UC’s I applied to besides Irvine @lkg4answers

@emli800: You can request a change of major until you are accepted since it is way past the deadline for the UC’s. Especially since they have begun sending out decisions already. Once you are accepted and decide to enroll, you can contact the UC’s to find out the procedure of changing your major. I know several will not let you change until you attend Freshman orientation and speak to an advisor. Some majors may require to complete pre-req courses with a certain GPA before switching.

@emili800: Sorry, Typo “You Cannot request a major change now”. You need to wait until accepted.

@emli8100 was your declared major in Biological Sciences?

Yeah all of them were general bio @lkg4answers

It will be much easier to change to various specialties within the same department than it would be if you were accepted into math or poli sci and wanted to move into the bio sciences.

At UCSB, Biopsych is part of the Psych department. It doesn’t matter because both Bio and Psych are in the College of L&S and it is easy to change majors within the same college at UCSB.

For the others, it sounds like you are just wanting to change within the same department which shouldn’t be too much of a problem as long as you show that you are able to keep your grades up.

Good luck!

@emli8100: You can go on each UC’s website and search for a information on how to change your major. As stated by @lkg4answers, it may not be a problem if you switching emphasis/specialites within the same college or department but the UC’s will not let you switch now. Do it once you have been accepted.

Here is a link for UC Davis and how to switch: