make me feel better?

<p>Hi everyone, </p>

<p>I was waitlisted at gw - REALLY upsetting. i liked the school. stats 4.something, 2400 (luck!), etc. frankly, i was hoping they would offer me some money and then i would soo be there (my family can't pay $50k per year). but i guess i was waay too presumptuous. </p>

<p>i don't exactly know what happened... i feel really really bummed right now! maybe there was something really really wrong (sorry for all the reallys) with my essays? </p>

<p>anyone in a similar position? advice? no hope of money so no hope of going? all the best!</p>

<p>Same here, waitlisted. Was hoping to get in with some scholarship money, 2290 and 4.something GPA, and I got really scared that there was something terribly wrong with my essays or recommendations.</p>

<p>Glad to see others with the same problem, they may have assumed that some applicants thought of GW as a safety.</p>

<p>Hey, More than likely they thought you would not attend. GW is not dumb and they often reject people that are over qualified because they don’t think they would actually come(and they want to protect their yield numbers). If you are really interested and GW is your first choice, reach out to your specific admissions director and reiterate that you are interested in GW. Good luck!</p>

<p>great thanks! i’ll talk to my local admissions director, since i’m rejected there may be some hope still that things work out? thanks for the advice, still sucky (for lack of a better word) though.</p>

<p>GW accepts many highly qualified applicants! As a poster in another thread with stellar stats who WAS accepted to GW stated, they don’t always reject “overqualified” applicants just “under-interested” ones.</p>

<p>well if you wrote about loving DC or anything about DC in your essay … big mistake</p>

<p>MsBC they are at it again, just like last year.
Millennium, waitlisted or rejected? I doubt they’ll reconsider a rejection.</p>

<p>Yup here we go again! I quoted you schmohawk in the “tufts syndrome” post where the same, “I’m so over qualified how dare they reject me” talk is also going on! As many have discovered before, GW is no longer a safety school for RD applicants…especially those who are not really interested in attending.</p>

<p>i don’t think talking about DC in the GW essay is necessarily a “big mistake.” If thats the only thing you talk about, then yes they may not be too thrilled, but for a person who’s interested in studying political science or international relations, DC is obviously a huge factor in the college decision so mentioning it along with other GW specifics isnt a death sentance. I had a whole paragraph about DC in my essay and I was still admitted.</p>

<p>People: THINK!!! </p>

<p>For the Class of 2014, GWU received 21,135 applications and accepted about 6,655; that’s a 31.5% acceptance rate. (For the Class of 2015, the acceptance rate might even be lower.) THREE OUT OF TEN ACCEPTANCE RATE!</p>

<p>At that rate, GW, if it wants, most likely can accept all 6,000 kids with 4.0s (GPA) and 2000s (SAT). They have over 21,000 to select from and so they have the luxury to do so if they want! </p>

<p>Fortunately to some of you, they don’t, and to many of you, they do. </p>

<p>They also have the luxury to entice the ones they want more than others by way of higher scholarship offers.</p>

<p>So all this talk about safety, overqualified, etc. is utterly nonsense. If you truly want to be part of the GW community, I suggest the following: (1) go back and check your application package (e.g., your essays, your confidential “favorite” teacher recommendation may not have considered you his/her favorite student, etc.); (2) do well in your 1st year of college (like get a 4.0); and (3) then, re-apply as a transfer student.</p>

<p>Good luck to all of you, and congratulations to those who were accepted for the Class of 2015!</p>

<p>I disagree about writing about DC in the essay. It was the intro to my why gw essay and a point of interest in the interview, and I’ve been admitted on scholarship. However, I did directly state what made GW different from American, Georgetown, and George Mason. I’m very sorry about the waitlisting and I wish you the best of luck.</p>

<p>You should definitely get in touch with the Admissions department. Maybe write them a letter about how much you absolutely LOVE GWU, and why it is your top school. There is a chance that they may have wait listed you because you have such good scores</p>

<p>I make you feel better: I was rejected, it was my number 1 school and I am double legacy. I am leaning towards Maryland now, I’ll move on, but I wish you reconsider GW, at least it is wailist!! Good luck</p>

<p>I will also make you feel better. I was rejected. GW was my number one school. To make matters worse, a girl at my school with inferior stats to mine, and who I tutored in Calc and physics got in and I will probably never hear the end of it from her.</p>

<p>Comosenior, you can petition your rejection. They might have thought you were only applying to them as a safety. Let them know that GW was really your number one school.</p>

<p>I doubt they’d reconsider rejections. Remember, now they have hundreds of kids on a waitlist- they’d get priority.</p>

<p>They don’t reconsider nothing. Decisions are made, ansd they stick to it. Good Luck to you.</p>