<p>I know there's a lot of topics about this but i figured I'd just start one about my own situation. </p>
<p>I'm a freshman in college, and I don't have any friends yet. I've met people that I say hi to in passing but I never hang out with them, plus they are all friends my boyfriend has made. He's in the music program so he has the same classes with everyone so it's easier to make friends with them, as opposed to my major (engineering).</p>
<p>Also, to make matters worse, I'm in an overflow floor and so it's full of all majors and mainly apartment style dorms with upperclassmen. No one keeps their door open and no one knows anyone else on the floor. There is a freshman engineering floor where everyone is good friends, and I've tried hanging out there but I don't know anyone so it never works.</p>
<p>My boyfriend is my only friend, sadly. We didn't meet here either;weve been together for a few years. I only ever eat meals with him or do anything with him, and most Friday or Saturday nights we just sit in his room watching tv. He doesn't really have friends that he hangs out with either.</p>
<p>I've tried going to clubs and events but for one thing I'm too busy to go very often, and also I rarely meet
People but if I do I never see them again.</p>
<p>I'm not a particularly shy person, just at first, although I'm not the type of person to get along with everyone. But when I thought about college I thought about having a big group of friends and hanging out all the time and stuff. And it hasn't been like that and I'm very lonely.</p>
<p>Any advice would be much appreciated.</p>