Male for Nursing program at the University of Michigan

<p>GPA 3.75, ACT 30. Football, baseball, community service. 2 Honors classes, AP Govt, AP Calc AB, AP Psychology and
AP Environmental Science. Science award</p>

<p>Are you a Michigan resident? Keep in mind that Michigan typically does not provide large amounts of aid for out of state students, and it is expensive.</p>

<p>Not a Michigan student and wanted to know if I would be accepted</p>

<p>Does UMich do direct admin into the college of Nursing? Many schools require you to take the pre-reqs, then apply to the school. It’s not like say, a Chem major where you can go right in.</p>

<p>U Mich is direct admit with clinicals begining Freshman year.You are way above the average ACT of 28 for Nursing(and Nursing tracks Science score seperately…average 27). Your listed GPA is a little below the average of 3.8, though remember that Michigan recalcuates GPA… but given that you are a guy, you should have a very good chance of admission. </p>

<p>I don’t know how much preference they give to in-state vs. OOS for admission. Sometimes universities give particularly high in-state preference when there is high demand for the seats.</p>