Mandatory Alcohol Awareness email in

<p>Heads up!</p>

<p>There are deadlines associated with this requirement.</p>

<p>Do I remember reading something about a parent portion to this? Signing into mybama as a guest?</p>

<p>I recall parent portion is optional</p>

<p>when is deadline?</p>

<p>Yes - deadline please, DD is out of town all week and I was “instructed” to not open up any Bama emails. I think I deserve a “pass” since she is out of town and it might be “important.”</p>

<p>Part One deadline is Aug 16</p>

<p>Remember that your auto insurance provider might give an alcohol awareness discount for taking this course. Ours did!</p>

<p>@lattelady: Thanks for pointing out the insurance discount.</p>

<p>Everyone might want to be aware that the student course took my DS between TWO and THREE hours to complete (with a 30 minute break). </p>

<p>Regardless of the actual time it took him, the point is that the course is not short in duration.</p>

<p>The course contains a large section querying the student about their attitudes and actual situation regarding the use of money and personal debt.</p>


<p>DS gets hung up on the Haven assessment page. Shows all green checks, but won’t let him proceed. Is anyone else having difficulty working through the system?</p>

<p>^^^ Never mind. He skipped a section. Then, when he refreshed or backed up and hit the “return to my last place” button, it took him back to a screen he couldn’t get past, because he skipped a section, and so on. </p>

<p>He passed, but I suggest not waiting until the last minute. It does take a while. </p>

<p>Also, there is a multiple choice test at the end, so encouraging a notepad and pencil is a good idea. Or at least warn the student that there is a test and to take it seriously. </p>

<p>The content I saw was basic, but not condescending or naive. I hope it helps.</p>

<p>^^^Same problem here with Haven. Keeps getting hung up and won’t let DS proceed.</p>

<p>Thanks Bill. I’ll check and make sure DS hasn’t skipped any sections.</p>

<p>Just texted D, she is in T-Town for EC for Summer II. She has already completed it. YEA!
Said it took her 3 hours.</p>

<p>DD said it took just under 3 hours, too. 98% on the test. Yay! She said most of it was a review of information she covered in HS health class.</p>

<p>Of course, DH will ask why she didn’t get 100%…</p>

<p>I guess I better start nagging my daughter to get with it!!</p>