Many credits, but many of these were in the performing arts & probably aren't transferrable?

I’m afraid I may have more than number of credits that colleges ask transfer candidates not to exceed. However, many of these credits are in the arts and very specific. Without providing too much info, this likely means that they are not transferrable (a good thing). My hope is that this makes me eligible for transfer to any institution.

I know of at least one person who had at least a year’s worth of credits from an arts school, then transferred to HYP and completed four years. So I’m curious as to whether I can do that, as well. Who at my prospective schools should I call/email, so that I may discuss these issues?

It may help to specify what kind of school you earned your credits at, what level courses they were for, and what schools and majors you are targeting for transfer.

It’s a four-year institution with a department in the arts. Three were group performance classes and individual instruction classes.

I’m targeting schools in the top 15 and majors in the humanities and social sciences.

You need to check the transfer credit policy of each transfer target school, or ask each directly.

Just my two cents. Besides doing your research, you should go under the assumption that these credits will NOT transfer. Since you’re in the arts, do you have some kind of media portfolio that you may need to present?

It is best not to make the assumption that the credits will transfer, but it is also best not to make the assumption that the credits will not transfer. Many regular universities offer art courses, so they may accept art courses for transfer credit.

Whether the credits are transferable or not is also going to depend on the accreditation of the school. I attended a for-profit photography school for 2 years and still had to take 2 required art courses at a community college; all because the photography school didn’t have the proper accreditation.