Hello. I am in the US and i am considering taking college in france (but before i begin tell me if im blind about the benifits of taking college in france because from what ive heard, they have a good education, a good education system, it takes less time, and takes a lot less money).
Anyway, I’ve been thinking about getting into IB in 11th and 12th grade. I am currently in 9th grade and Im taking french 2. I might want to major in chemistry (Ive been seriosly thinking about it) and then becoming a chemical engineer.
Am I right that IB is a good choise for this? Or is ap better?
Also i am thinking about having chemistry next year, then physics the year after, and finally AP chemistry the 12th grade year.
Or if ib would be the better option, then the last 2 classes would be IB because IB is a 2 year thing right?
Instead of getting the IB diploma, could I choose the IB career program certificate and then choose IB french, IB chemistry, and possible another one?
Are there any english courses in france for Chemical engineering?
Thank you very much!
It all depends on what you are looking for. AP is great if you just want college credit. IB is recognized internationally and French is one of the languages you can take within the program.
IB is great if you want to push yourself and prepare for the college workload.
I am currently a junior in IB and I can also take AP classes , every school is diffrent though.
Look at the teachers
The colleges view of each program
And what you want in the program
Hope this helps 
Is it possible to not choose the diploma or the certificate and just choose a couple classes that I can get accredited for?
Does IB credit me with college credit?
Thank you!
I would go with AP because the courses are 1 year and you get credit if you pass the exam. With IB, you have to take HL classes which are 2 years long to get the same credit as a 1 year AP class would get you. And in my opinion, AP is easier and more well-known/accessible resource-wise. I’m a senior at an IB school so feel free to ask me any more questions.
It depends on your school , some schools let you take a couple of classes while others ( like mine) make you take the DP. Speaking with your counselor is the best way to figure out what courses they will allow you to take since every school varies on the freedom they give you when you choose classes
Are IB classes known and give me acceditdation in the best colleges and universites or is there no trend as to where IB is known and accredited?
Are IB SL classes harder or about the same as AP? How about IB HL vs AP?
I might be taking a couple IB classes later.
Thank you.
If your school is an IB school, it should have “IB Coordinators” who help students to manage and arrange next-year courses. I would definitely talk to your coordinators about this, and if not, then your counselor. I’m currently a senior at an IB school, and I’m taking IB Chemistry HL II right now. I’ll tell you one thing…it’s tough. From what I’ve heard from friends, AP Chemistry is “much easier” than the IB Chemistry HL curriculum. Sure…AP Chem might provide you with a college credit and all that, but IB Chem will definitely challenge you and simulate an environment similar to that of college classes.
IB SL classes are probably a bit or a lot easier than the AP classes, not too sure about HL.
IB classes are definitely known in the top colleges and universities. There are some colleges and universities actually value student applicants who have taken IB classes much more than students who have taken AP classes.
This post might be a bit biased since I really like the general curriculum and difficulty of IB classes, but in my eyes, IB classes resemble college classes much more------so colleges will likely value IB classes more than AP classes…this is my logic lololol
Are you taking the diploma or the career pathway?
My school offers both programs but from my understanding, the diploma program makes you do all the classes and the career pathway program makes you take one of all the pathways (that I don’t want to take) and some additional classes you might want.
I really want to be in the chemistry pathway and be a chemical engineer, but out of all these pathways: (Business, Engineering, Marketing, Manufacturing, Culinary, Hospitality, or Education/Teaching) THERE ARE NONE THAT HAVE TO DO WITH CHEMISTRY.
As far as I know, there are no other programs in IB that allow me to do this.
I taking the diploma. Sorry, but I have no idea what the career pathway program is. My school only does the IB Diploma, Advanced Diploma, and Standard Diploma (most rigorous programs from left to right). Is the career pathway program like the IB certificate where you only do certain IB classes that interest you?
What do you mean by “the diploma program makes you do all the classes” ?
It’s really strange to hear that you don’t have any IB chemistry classes are your school.
No no. I only said that none of the career pathways are related to chemistry in any way. I think i need to choose a pathway (which only the programming one sounds best to me (but im not planning to go in that feild)). So that’s just 2 IB classes THEN you can choose more IB classes if you wish.
So there is an IB chemistry class, but I’ll have to see if i can just take 1-2 IB classes without taking any program and still get acceedited.
I talked to the IB coordinator and he answered once and then i answered back then he has not answered back to me.
I did pretty good in 8th grade at physical science (the advanced version). The teacher said he was on the edge for recommending me for honors biology or regular biology. I was optimistic i guess for honors biology so i took that and boy was it hard. That must have been the worst class I have ever taken. The most boring too.
But the reason I want to take chemistry is because i was given a taste of it 8th grade in that physical science class. I had to balance out reactions.
Ahhhh I see. Well, I’m actually taking my 2nd year in an IB Chemistry Class (IB Chemistry HL II) and lemme tell you something…IT IS HELL. It’s the hardest IB class in our entire school because of its rigor and time/effort you need to invest in the class to do well.
Seems like you’re interested in majoring in chemistry, so this class is probably highly recommended for you to take.
I believe that there’s something called the IB Certificate, where instead of doing the entire diploma, you can actually just get accredited for taking 1 year (SL) or 2 years (HL) of a specific IB class of your choosing. This sounds like something you’d be interested in right?
My school actually offers only SL or HL. There is no HL II. And for chemistry, my school only offers SL chemistry.
I was recommended for Earth systems next year and I know it’s going to be a waste of my time. What do I do?
The IB coordinator sent me this message:
“Make sure you get through French III in order to get IB French SL or HL as your two year. If that is done, then yes taking IB Chem as your second class is very workable. Which career pathway are you working on for the IBCP?”
Do you have any idea what he’s talking about the career pathway?
Also, I got this: http://imgur.com/a/wLqip
Its something that probably has to do with this. I think he means that I need to choose a pathway and then choose stuff from that image.
I actually have no idea what the career pathway program is. Seems like IBCP stands for IB Career-related Programme. This might be a relevant website for you: http://www.acs-schools.com/IB-Career-related-Programme
I can’t seem to access the website you sent.
Earth systems is gonna be absolutely useless for you if you plan on majoring on chemistry. If you can, you might as well take Chemistry SL.