Marine Science or Geology for Bachelor's?

<p>I've been thinking about going to Texas A&M at Galveston. They have a Marine Science degree that offers a specialization in Geology. I also thought about waiting a semester and going to College Station. I like Galveston and I'd like to go there but I'm not sure about this degree. </p>

<p>If I wanted to go to graduate school for Geology would I be able to with this degree or would I have a hard time? Should I do a degree in general Geology instead? I'd like to work in the oil industry eventually.</p>

<p>Any input is really appreciated because I really have no idea what to do here.

<p>If you really want to go into geology stay at TAMUG for a year and transfer to college station, I think they have a program where you maintain a certain GPA and you can transfer. Texas A&M College Station has a lot of ties to oil companies and some take a look at the BS geology students.</p>