<p>Hi everyone!
I'm writing my college list and thinking about college. I want to double major in Cognitive Science and Marketing, but I find very few colleges that offer both major (U San Diego, U of A, USC, UTDallas).</p>
<p>Given that I might not be accepted at these school (prob U San Diego is not even worth it, since I want to go to grad school.. you tell me), I was wondering.. is a marketing major only worth it? Will it help me get great jobs? Or should I major just in Cog Sci (that really opens me lots of doors in term of grad school)? Will I be able to do marketing in grad school with that major?</p>
<p>Thanks everyone!</p>
<p>Not sure why you want the two majors and what opportunities you plan to go for with the double major.</p>
<p>I ask because if you want to study and get an advanced degree in cognitive science and pursue that academically with marketing on the side then you you should go for cognitive science. If you want to go into marketing and with cog sci on the side then do marketing. If you are after a very narrowly defined field that requires both then go to school where you can do both.</p>
<p>Also, maybe you can major in one or the other at one school and take course in the other major over summer breaks at another school. Maybe, a professor at a school that only offers one major can help you with the other if it is an area of research interest though no major in is offered.</p>
<p>Just a few off the cuff ideas.</p>
<p>My problem is: I don’t know! Both subject interests me very much, and I think they complete eachother.</p>
<p>Will cog sci help me find a marketing-related job (supposedly I change my mind)? Will it let me enter in business school?
Doing a marketing alone degree seems risky to me, also according to what CC community says…</p>
<p>Ah, also: is really necessary to have a Marketing Major to enter in Business school? or is it okay to just to take some courses? will a major help me with GMAT or courses can be okay too?</p>
<p>Plus, is marketing good at USD? like, is it worth it to move in the USA for that school? I know it is a party school, and I don’t know what to think.</p>
<p>You need a lot more info than can be obtained here. You want know if something is necessary but can’t really say necessary for what.</p>
<p>I don’t really understand your comment…
I mean necessary to enter in a good MBA or PHD program. (Or is it okay to just do come courses in business?)</p>
<p>what other info do I need?</p>
<p>You don’t need to major in business in undergrad to go into an MBA program. However, I’m a little confused what you’re planning to do with the cognitive science major? Are you planning to go to grad school for that? Med school? Neuroscience is also closely related, is that major offered? In other words, what are your plans regarding that major as I’d look into it alot more before making your school choices.</p>
<p>Okay, so.
I want to major in Cog Sci because I always wanted to understand how people think, why, and how that relates with the concrede world (like, how they are influenced by adverts, socially, politically). Cog Sci is a broad major, and it interests me very much (mostly for philosophy, psychology and comp. sci.)
After this major, well, I am not totally sure.
Right now I’m planning to get a master in Human-Computer Interaction, or Computer Science, but I’d also like to get into the Marketing field. </p>
<p>Since I did not had the chance to study these subject in school, it will depend on how much I get excited by them in college, I guess. I know this is not exactly an answer, but I am trying to keep every door open. </p>
<p>Keeping doors open isn’t a bad thing to do. My son kept doors open to find his major and is now keeping them open to choose among minors. Since you want to do Cog Sci, find a good undergrad program. Since you eventually want a MS in HCI, it makes sense to at least minor in computer science. Depending on the company that may be enough to get you into marketing (and of course depending on the job you seek within marketing).</p>
<p>Can someone explain me the difference between advertising and marketing?</p>
<p>@geo1113 thank you! That really cheers me up. A minor in CS is not necessary I think, because I’ll be taking CS classes for Cog Sci, and I’ll be following the HCI or Comp Sci track anyway
<p>Keep in mind that while not every college has a cognitive science major, many have it as a minor or under a different name. Also you could always take elective courses in them if you’re not sure you want to major in them.</p>
<p>Yeah, I looked over basically every college that could interest me, and I did really find something, but most of them don’t have a Marketing major/minor so…</p>
<p>As far as marketing, sometimes it is not a major but it is taught within a business program. See if any of your school choices offer a major or minor in business. That will get you the marketing knowledge you are looking for. Even the Wharton School of Business doesn’t have marketing majors, for example, although marketing is taught and offered as an area of focus.</p>
<p>Advertising is just that - promoting a product or service to the public.
Marketing is the process to determining & quantifying demand for a product or service, determine the target audience, coming up with pricing, forecasting sales, knowing what message must be sent to stimulate demand, what color of packaging, etc.</p>
<p>They are two very different disciplines. I think of marketing as a scientific approach to getting a product to the right people at the right time for the right price. I think of advertising as the creative approach to making a product known, remembered and preferred over others.</p>
<p>These are very layman definitions but it’s how I see it practiced in a large corporation.</p>
<p>I understand, thank you very much!</p>