Marketing vs. Photography Major

<p>Hi, my name is Zion and I am a current high school sophomore.
Would it be better for me to major in Photography or Marketing? I am very interested in both fields. I shoot various concerts whenever they come to town (Baltimore, MD) for a music publication, and would love to score a touring photographer job.
The problem is, everyone tells me that a Photography major is not right for post-college success. Yes, I know it's horrible to go against your dream, and this is why I also find a passion in Marketing.
Can anyone give me some insight into both majors?
Thanks, and if you need more information just message me/leave a reply! </p>

<p>It’s not “horrible” to go against your dream, and majoring in something other than photography doesn’t necessarily mean you are.</p>

<p>First of all, most colleges don’t have a photography major. You may be able to major in art, but not photography specifically. For that you would likely have to go to an arts college, and most of those are private and very expensive.</p>

<p>Second of all, the way photographers make a living as photographers is to take good photographs and build a portfolio and clients who are willing to recommend them by word of mouth. You don’t need to major in photography (or art) to become a good photographer; you can take classes, or perhaps minor in art, and just get a lot of practice. Join a club for amateur photographers and apprentice with a successful master photographer who can teach you the trade. You’re already ahead because it seems like you have a freelance job taking pics for music publications; keep that up and begin to make connections.</p>

<p>Marketing can be useful as both a photographer and in other fields. In order to make a living as an artist you need to know how to market yourself, but you can also parlay marketing into other fields.</p>