<p>I'd mark white so that they don't think you're Asian. The advantage of being white over Asian is big at UCs, even they supposedly don't consider race.</p>
<p>lol would you get introuble if you marked some other race than you are? i mean, they wouldn't really really know though. if ever you can just say you're part right? im just wondering since i'm filipino. and basically that's in asia, making me asian. lo.</p>
<p>apparently they claim that the admissions folks can't even SEE your ethnicity....like all they can is your application and name...no race info...unless u choose to write about it....so i guess it really doesn't matter. i'll just decline to state, its none of their business. i'm completely against race ever playing role in admissions</p>
<p>How weird I was just thinking about this earlier today when I was walking to school, why don't they have a category for middle easterns?
My friend who is Armenian had to put down "White", and clearly, Armenians are not anywhere close to being European at all. Neither are Ubeks, Turkmens or Persians.
It's ridiculous.</p>