<p>Let's try to compile a list of academic awards (with prestige and without) here! Please make comments about what has "prestige" and what does not (if you know)! Links to information on these awards would help as well!</p>
<p>I hope this can be a very useful thread!</p>
<p>-National Society of HS Scholars (not much prestige ppl say)
-National Honor Roll
-Ventures Scholar
-UV Book Award
-Wellesely Book Award </p>
<p>Arguably one of the most prestigious awards. If published, you'll be one of the select students in the nation. I did not apply this year because the cost of postage was too much, but I highly encourage motivated students to look into it.</p>
<p>That's because anyone with a B average and at least one X chromosome gets an invite... that would end up including basically everyone who gets into those schools.</p>
<p>ouch, you guys. not their fault if they think it's...er...prestigious.</p>
<p>Other awards/contests:
Voice of Democracy Essay
JFK Profiles in Courage Essay
US Institute of Peace Essay
Voice of America
Gates Millenium Scholar
AIME (for really good scores)
<p>USAChO (Prestigious if you pass the 2nd round; otherwise still pretty good)
USABO (Prestigious if you pass the 2nd round; otherwise still pretty good)
USAPhO (Prestigious if you pass the 2nd round; otherwise still pretty good and more prestigious than the other olympiads)</p>
<p>Physics Bowl (Prestigious if you pass the 2nd round; otherwise still pretty good)</p>
<p>I think sarcasm is best left out, the National Honor Roll and Who's who jokes went way over peoples' heads. And you know, there's tons of unsuspecting freshies not registered reading this thread, so lets not be too cruel to them >:]</p>
<p>Very Prestigious Awards...These I would say almost guarantee a you a sport at one of the top tier schools:</p>
<p>Siemens Westinghouse Finalist
Intel Talent Search Finalist
INTEL International Science Fair Participant
Junior Classical League Latin Student of the Year
Princeton Book Award (or Writing Award)</p>