Match a junior with less than perfect GPA [3.83UW, 1530 SAT, physics]

US citizen, California
Small private HS known for rigor, Male
Major: physics
UW GPA: 3.83 up to the end of junior year
Weighted UC GPA: 4.32 up to the end of junior year

Note: Mostly As with a few Bs in 9th and 10th grades. Trending is good with all As/A-s in 11th grade. Is taking one of the most rigorous course loads at school

Class rank : School does not rank
SAT 1530
PSAT:1510, will be National Merit Semifinalist
Presidential Service award (silver) in 10-11th grade
Team captain for club sport team throughout high school; school varsity team member all four years
Robotics team leader
Took a college-level class the summer before 10th grade
Attended engineering camp before 11th grade
Accepted into a selective science research summer program before 12th grade
TBD/strong writer
/ close relationships with teachers and counselor
Cost Constraints / Budget
No cost constraints
Safety: U of Colorado, Boulder, RPI
Match/reach: Purdue, UIUC, UMich, USC, WashU, UCB, UCLA, UCSB, UCSD, UCSC, U of Washington
Any other schools: ???
Liked open curriculum at Brown, but unlikely to get in due to GPA, student liked mid sized to large sized school

Congratulations on a competitive academic record and some very good EC’s.

Weighted UC GPA of 4.32, is that Capped weighted or Fully weighted since the UC’s consider 3 GPA’s during the admission review ie. Unweighted, Capped Weighted and Fully Uncapped Weighted.

UC’s are test blind so your SAT score will only be used for placement. Your NMF status can be listed on the EC’s but the UC’s offer no scholarships for National Merit.

2022 Admit rates based on the Capped weighted UC GPA.

Campus 4.00+ 3.70-3.99 3.30-3.69 3.00-3.29
Berkeley 17% 3% 1% 0%
Davis 58% 20% 5% 2%
Irvine 35% 10% 3% 0%
Los Angeles 13% 2% 1% 0%
Merced 97% 97% 95% 85%
Riverside 95% 83% 42% 17%
San Diego 37% 8% 1% 0%
Santa Barbara 41% 8% 3% 0%
Santa Cruz 69% 45% 16% 4%

UCSC: Match
UCSB/UCSD: High Match/Low Reach

If applying to UCSB for Physics, consider the College of Creative Studies. Also you might want to add Cal Poly SLO which is known to have a good Physics program and they offer $3K/year in scholarship money to National Merit scholars.

Best of luck.


You are very helpful! Thanks so much!

I am not quite sure what is the Capped UC GPA? Could you please help me understand that?

Also, could you comment on his chance of getting into UMich and WashU? Thanks again!

All UC GPA’s use grades from the A-G courses taken the summer after 9th to the summer prior to 12th grade. For the Capped Weighed UC GPA a maximum 8 semesters of Honors points in the calculation are given for UC approved Honors, AP, IB, DE/CC classes taken during this time. Maximum is 4.4. I linked the UC GPA calculator which will calculate all 3 UC GPA’s for you.

The Capped weighted UC GPA is the most common GPA quoted on the UC websites and is used for statistical analysis such as the admit chart above and also to determine UC eligibility.

Only 2 UC’s will list their Fully Weighted Uncapped GPA admit ranges: UCLA and UCB but all UC’s consider the 3 UC GPA’s. Fully weighted has no limit of Honors points given to the qualified courses taken during this time. Maximum is 5.0.

Here is the UCLA Freshman Profile for 2022:
GPA statistics for admitted freshman students
GPA Median. Middle 25% - 75%
Weighted GPA 4.58 4.40-4.73
Unweighted GPA 4.00 3.95-4.00

I cannot give any chances for Washington U or Michigan but as an OOS applicant, they are probably in the Low Reach/Reach category.

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There are several out of state schools that offer very attractive packages for National Merit Finalists. I’ve linked to a few below. You might check out the National Merit Scholarships forum for more options.


Got it, thanks! I think his capped UC GPA would be 4.27. It looks like his chance of getting into UCLA is pretty slim.

Add Davis!

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Thank you! Will look into the list.

yes, I forgot to include Davis. Thanks for the reminder.

This site lists colleges similar to Brown in one or more of their characteristics:

Several of the schools listed — such as Wesleyan University, Hamilton, CMU, Pomona College and the University of Rochester — offer excellent physics programs.

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Seconding the suggestion of U. of Rochester as a school to consider.

This list may provide some additional ideas, if they’re wanted: Best Colleges for Physics

Case Western and Rensselaer Polytechnic might be two other schools to consider that have better odds of acceptance than most of the reaches on the list.

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Since you said “Any other schools” , you might look to U of Arizona ahead of much of your list - and a safety.

Of course, there are different facets of physics - so you want to see which school meets your subject needs.

25 Best Colleges for a Physics Degree 2020 | GradReports

Thanks for sharing the list. Will look into it.

Yes, Rochester has an open curriculum. We may add it to the list. It’s just the remote location that is inconvenient.

very informative. Thanks!

For the UCs those PIQs and activities and awards section are really important in painting a picture of the student and their passions. It’s hard to gauge just on stats. My son had a 3.75 uw, 4.64 fully weighted from a very rigorous grade deflating private school. He took the most rigorous classes and was near the top of his class. He applied as a physics major as well and chose careful safeties in and out of state. He was accepted at: Alabama, Arizona, Purdue, Cal Poly Pomona, Cal Poly SLO, UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, UC Irvine, and UC Berkeley (attending). I really think it was the PIQs and activities and awards that put him over the top. CC seems to be a magnet for unweighted 4.0s, but I don’t believe that’s the only way to get into a top school. To paint a fuller picture, my son was also a national recognition Hispanic scholar who took part in published research and he was UC ELC designated and a four year varsity athlete.


If being remote is a concern, and you consider Rochester, NY to be remote, then Purdue and UIUC should be removed from the list. Rochester has about 210k people and the airport is 5 minutes from the university. Purdue is about a is a 1h10m drive from its closest airport and West Lafayette’s population is 45k. Urbana-Champaign has a similar population size to Rochester (about 220k).


Where does that place him in his class? Also, 3.83 in a high school known for grade deflation is not the same as a 3.83 from a high school with grade inflation.

Do you mean WashU St Louis?


wow, congratulations! It is encouraging to see he got into Berkeley with a less than perfect GPA.

You are right. Both Purdue and Rochester are pretty remote. Since we are in California, travelling to Rochester will take longer than traveling to Purdue.