Match me for UCs?

Hi I’m a high school junior who’s really nervous about applying in the fall. Which UCs do you think I’m a match for?

SAT I: 1500 (18 Essay tho)
SAT II: Taking bio and math 2 in june
GPA UW: 3.96 (1 B!)
UC GPA: (using Rogerhub) 4.25
Rank: Top 5%
APs: World History (5) Taking Biology and Calculus AB in 2 weeks!

ECs: School spirit rallies (Not sure if that would be something to count but I do put hundreds of hours into them) (9-11), Editor for school newspaper club (10-11), International Thespian Society (directed and wrote a short play)
Leadership: Link Crew (integrates freshmen into school), a leader of an AP Bio group that aims to lower plastic usage at school
Volunteer: Teacher assistant at Chinese School (9-11 probably about 240+ hours atm), intern at an Ophthalmology office (summer after 10th grade about 100 hours, had to speak Chinese)
State: CA
School type: public, pretty large there’s 700 students in my class
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male

I’ve been told my ECs are pretty sad and ig that’s mostly because I focused all the time to participating in school rallies (which is like dancing and skits). But my resume isn’t really complete because the school year isn’t over yet and I’ve already planned some summer activities to keep me busy. I plan to become a math tutor during the summer (should take all summer about 6 hours a day of it), NHS next year, and also be a counselor for a science camp next year too (all during the first semester ofc)

I hope you guys can chance me based on what info I can give you xD

You look like a competitive applicant for all the UC’s based on stats. You have good EC’s and being Editor of the newspaper club shows leadership. Thespian Society and Spirit rally involvement shows your artistic side and could be a good topic for one of the personal insight essays.

Intended major?

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above:

UCB: 42%
UCLA: 54%
UCSD: 87%
UCSB: 85%
UCD: 91%
UCI: 94%
UCR/UCM: 98%

My intended major is something biology related probably and thanks for the detailed review

you are a competitive candidate for all of them but, UC admission should never be considered a given. Apply broadly so you have several options next Spring.

Your EC’s are great! Keep up the good work! I agree with the above posts that you will be competitive for all the UC’s. It seems likely that whatever major you select will connect in some way with your EC’s. They show that you are caring, have many talents, and are good at working with people.

Yeah I’m planning on applying to at least 4-5 UCs. you guys give me hope for my future thanks xD

I think you have a good chance for all UCs!! Good luck:)

I applied last year (got my decisions this spring) and we have very similar GPAs and I was also top 5%, but you SAT is ~150 points higher than mine so thats good! My ECs were super super weak, but I got accepted to UCSD, UCD, UCI (rejected by UCLA and UCB). I definitely think you should try your luck with all of them because you seem like a good candidate! Good Luck!