My strongest abilities in school are foreign language and English, so I’m really building those up in my application.
I am interested in politics, law, economics, and business.
When I graduate I will have stats kinda like this:
GPA: (Weighted) 4.5
GPA: (UW) 3.8 or 3.9ish
12-13 AP classes (all exams passed)
(APs in English, science, history, economics, Spanish, psychology, comparative gov…)
ACT: 32
NEW SAT: 1400-1450ish (just a guess based on past scores)
SS LIT: 650
Also–I’ve studied Spanish since 7th grade and will up to 12th, completing an AP Spanish + Spanish 4 honors and will have done the same for Chinese
& my ECs:
- president of Spanish competition team (2 years)
-secretary Spanish competition team (1 year)
-founder of the Green Team (an environmental club, basically) - president for 2 years
-secretary of model United Nations (1 year) - held a job for 2.5 years
- tutored Spanish students every week for three years
- volunteered at the community environmental learning center for 3 years
ALSO there are some projects that I might do depending on how much they impact my chances of acceptance…
So should I do any of the following?
- launch a free online program aimed at kids to teach Spanish to English speaking kids and vice-versa
- create a student-run school board that works in tandem w the actual school board
- launch a series of community events(which I’ve planning already) aimed at families who are struggling financially, including:
• meals on a dime for people below 200% poverty level: provide meals, Show cooking demonstrations, etc
•going to schools in the poorer part of my county and doing demonstrations on easy quick healthy cheap snacks for kids and passing out those healthy snacks and bagged lunches/foods for kids to take home
-I have a few other ideas but I can’t remember them and I don’t have the written outlines of them with me at the moment,
So if/when I remember them, I’ll add them.