I’ll be transferring into UIUC this fall and plan on taking Math 234 spring semester, but kind of freaking out since I’ve never taken Calc before. My most recent math class was Finite (last semester) and before that was during my Junior year in high school. Just wondering if any of the professors are ‘nice’ and take it ‘step by step’ instead of speeding through the chapters. Not saying that they should baby the students, more so if it is manageable or not. Also, were there any study sessions for the class when you were taking it? I’m usually an A grade student, however, math has been my weak point aha. Thanks!
I went to UIUC as a freshman before transferring here to DePaul in Chicago. Originally, in my Spring Semester last year at UIUC, I had been taking Math 234 (required despite getting a 35 on Math on my ACT, WHAT?!). I won’t lie to you, I dropped it after 3 classes because it moved incredibly fast (+ my schedule was packed already). I hadn’t done Calculus for about a year and a half prior to Math 234, so taking that class felt like I was learning a different language, topped with high speed.
I assume it is a requirement for you? If so, I recommend brushing up on calc via tutoring or something prior to taking the course. If you do, you’ll be fine. I just went in unprepared and I suspect that was the reason for my difficulty. Don’t make the same mistake.