<p>hey guys, so march 1st is coming up and i still haven't applied to university. I can't seem to decide what I want to study. </p>
<p>I'm doing cal II right now, and math has always been a passion and interest for me. However, I find the classes usually boring (I get good marks though >95% for math). Stuff like math competitions and proofs are what interests me. I'm thinking of applied math mostly since that will give me (I think) a broad range of opportunities. Ideally, I'd like to do at least a masters if I choose math. Also If i choose math should I do a double degree, like with comp. sci or physics or something?</p>
<p>The only other choice I can think of is engineering (don't know which one - maybe ee?) since the way I see it, it's a combination of physics & math and I can probably make more money with a bachelors in engineering than in math (if i never end up doing graduate studies for some unforeseen reason). Would engineering be better than a double degree in math & physics?</p>
<p>Now if I choose to do on more year of CEGEP I can apply to premed (1 year) and then go in to med school. The problem is that the last time I did Bio was in Grade 9 and it was really basic stuff like the different systems. Although I normally hate memorizing I remember liking bio a lot. Why med? That's what I'm trying to figure out too :). It pays well, probably better than the other paths I listed, and lots of openings here in Quebec. </p>
<p>I know I listed money as a reason once or twice and many people will disagree but I believe that personally, making a decent amount of money is an important factor. Also note that I have the marks to get in any of the listed choices (not trying to show off) Any suggestions or opinion? All feedback will be appreciated. Thanks a lot. :)</p>
<p>Actually, with right set of courses during your first 2 years of college, you can extend your decision time 2 years. For most engineering programs, it will have the same “first 2 year” format as the math major. Let’s say that you choose Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry for your pre-med major and your first two years are essentially the same. Then you can better gauge your interests.</p>
<p>Do Biomed engineering. And then if you really want you can apply to med school after the 4 years.</p>
<p>“That’s what I’m trying to figure out too . It pays well, probably better than the other paths I listed, and lots of openings here in Quebec.”</p>
<p>MD pays VERY well, but do not just do that for the money. It’s not just medical school, it’s the residency after as well. You basically make a mediocre salary for 3-4 years working 70 or 80 hours a week nonstop. My girlfriend is in the middle of her ER Residency right now and it’s the most insane work schedule I have ever seen. She loves it though, and loves working with people. I couldn’t imagine her in another profession.</p>
<p>Just the point I was getting across is saying you want to be an MD from Freshman year basically is 12 more years(Undergrad/Medical/Residency) of very very hard work. If you are up for it then go for it. She always jokes that if you wanna work 8-5, make a ton of money, and have a low stress job. Then be a general Dentist
(No ill will I love my dentist!)</p>
<p>If you are interested though I can pass along some questions to my G/F, just PM me. Thanks!</p>
<p>If both interest you, math and cs can be a glorious combination.</p>
<p>Then scratch medicine off right now. The entire degree is about memorization and then using those facts later to solve problems. That honestly doesn’t sound like what you want.</p>