<p>hey guys, so march 1st is coming up and i still haven't applied to university. I can't seem to decide what I want to study. </p>
<p>I'm doing cal II right now, and math has always been a passion and interest for me. However, I find the classes usually boring (I get good marks though >95% for math). Stuff like math competitions and proofs are what interests me. I'm thinking of applied math mostly since that will give me (I think) a broad range of opportunities. Ideally, I'd like to do at least a masters if I choose math. Also If i choose math should I do a double degree, like with comp. sci or physics or something?</p>
<p>The only other choice I can think of is engineering (don't know which one - maybe ee?) since the way I see it, it's a combination of physics & math and I can probably make more money with a bachelors in engineering than in math (if i never end up doing graduate studies for some unforeseen reason). Would engineering be better than a double degree in math & physics?</p>
<p>Now if I choose to do on more year of CEGEP I can apply to premed (1 year) and then go in to med school. The problem is that the last time I did Bio was in Grade 9 and it was really basic stuff like the different systems. Although I normally hate memorizing I remember liking bio a lot. Why med? That's what I'm trying to figure out too . It pays well, probably better than the other paths I listed, and lots of openings here in Quebec. </p>
<p>I know I listed money as a reason once or twice and many people will disagree but I believe that personally, making a decent amount of money is an important factor. Also note that I have the marks to get in any of the listed choices (not trying to show off) Any suggestions or opinion? All feedback will be appreciated. Thanks a lot.</p>
<p>Do what interests you the most, if you choose something that doesn’t interest you the MOST, you will not put 100% of your effort/mind to. Everyone is different and I understand but having others decide what you want to spend the rest of your life doing is not practical. Not to be offensive or anything:) If math has “always” interested you, you should do Applied Mathematics, or Engineering.</p>
<p>“Would engineering be better than a double degree in math & physics?”
Yes. </p>
<p>Engineering sounds like a very viable choice for you. You seem to be genuinely interested in areas you would be able to study while pursuing an engineering degree and would gain the job security that comes with it as well. You mentioned that you like the logical focus of mathematics, and enjoy proofs- have you considered computer science? That field is also very logic based.
A pure math or physics degree, even perhaps as a double major, would fare you far worse finding a career and for salary prospects.</p>
<p>You also mentioned medicine- but as your primary interests are elsewhere and you mentioned medicine for the pay and security, I would not go with this field. I’ve read and heard many physicians say that medicine is a field you really have to love to pursue- the financial prospects just aren’t worth it if your heart isn’t really in it.</p>
<p>Also, consider what type of lifestyle you are looking for. Some fields, such as medicine, require far more hours per week depending on the specialty.</p>
<p>thanks to everyone for their input. I’m not considering med anymore.
However, I think after thinking about it a lot, I’ve decided on what really interests me but I have no idea what education path I must take. Here’s a link to the new question, if you guys would’t mind taking a few minutes to answer: </p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/science-majors/1294754-information-processing-braininformation-processing-brain.html#post13928560[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/science-majors/1294754-information-processing-braininformation-processing-brain.html#post13928560</a></p>