Math H54--an uncertain future

<p>I was looking forward to taking Math H54 this upcoming semester. I have yet to take either 53 or 54, and H54 appeared on the Fall 2006 schedule where H53 did not. So, I opted to take 54 before 53 so that I can take their honors equivalents (where the honors course go more in depth and have more theory and proving and really give you a glimpse of what a math major would be like or how upper div math courses will be like). But, H54 remained "CURRENTLY NOT OPEN" on the online schedule for longer than I expected. I called the math department, and the advisor there explained that they haven't found an instructor to teach the class. He explained that there is only a very remote possibility that an instructor will be assigned to teach the class before the start of the semester, but it is not an impossibility.
So, I'm posting here to ask if there are others who would like to take H54 over 54 or 53. If you would, then please add yourself to the H54 waitlist (course control number 54727) so that those in charge of scheduling at the math department can see that there is actually demand for this course. You can go beyond 20.5 credits on your waitlist so it's no problem. Just make sude to keep yourself enrolled in regular 54 or 53, and just add H54 to the waitlist alongside those. Hopefully, we'll have an instructor.</p>

<p>Ceci n'est pas un bump.</p>

<p>Well, seeing as it worked and two more guys got on the waitlist, I'm going to bump this again.
Feel free to comment on your past experiences with classes that were planned but did not have an instructor, especially with the math dept. Looking at past schedules from as early as 2004 (available in PDF from the online schedule), it seems that H53/H54 courses have been canceled in the past. Maybe someone can share something about this.</p>

<p>I can tell you than my freshmen year (2004) I did the same thing as you--take 54 first so I could take H54. Worst idea ever. Now, I can't comment generally on H54, but the professor I had was terrrrrible. It wasn't really his fault--he was left quadriplegic by multiple sclerosis. Even so, though, imagine Stephen Hawking trying to teach you a math course verbally and by writing (he could still speak and write, but just barely--people could not understand what he was saying/writing the majority of the time).</p>

<p>I dropped that class ASAP. Seriously, if that's how the math department views their honors series, I would avoid it. You don't put teachers like that in an important teaching position, no matter how smart they are otherwise. Anyway, just beware.</p>