Math Major- Foreign Language Requirement?

<p>I'm intending to be a math major, but I'm not sure if I'm required to fulfill the foreign language requirement.</p>

<p>For a bachelors degree in math, I would not need to take a foreign language, correct?</p>

<p>Also, if I decide to go to grad school, the 4 college French courses I took during high school would fulfill the grad schools requirements, yes?</p>

<p>all CLAS majors must take foreign language. This includes math.</p>

<p>the french courses you took in HS probably won’t fulfill the requirement, unless you took AP french. You can always try to place out of the requirement by taking the full placement exam, if you’re good enough at french.</p>

<p>math grad school requirements for foreign language vary. some places might require actual foreign language classes for admission, some might just accept that you placed out of them, some will just want you to satisfy their own language requirement when you get there.</p>

<p>Can the foreign language requirement be fulfilled if I take the third semester of French at USC P/NP? If yes, what grade does a P equivalent to a C or a C-? </p>

<p>Also, is the foreign language placement test taken online at my own home or on campus?</p>

<p>Anyone know?</p>

<p>You can take it online at home.</p>

<p>Pass/No Pass info:</p>

<p>You are allowed to take 4 units (one course) of GE classes Pass/No Pass, so yes, you could take third-semester French P/NP (but that would be the ONLY ge course you could take P/NP). P/NP grades are not calculated in your GPA, so there is no “grade equivalent” to a mark of “pass.”

[USC</a> Catalogue: Undergraduate Education: Requirements for Graduation](<a href=“]USC”></p>

<p>Wait, foreign language is not a GE requirement as it is not in Category 1-6, so I guess I can apply P/NP to a regular GE requirement, too, correct?</p>

<p>All majors in the college have to take three semesters of foreign language. You probably will be able to pass out of one or two or maybe even all of it</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure you have to take it for a letter grade.</p>



<p>[The</a> Language Center: Languages: Foreign Language Requirement](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>A passing grade is a C-.</p>