Hello All! I have been secretly browsing this forum for months and I have found a large array of things that have helped me greatly. I am now in a pickle myself though. I go to Santa Monica College and the classes are beyond full and getting one is like grinding teeth. I have come with a solution to skip an entire class but I need to score into Pre-calc for math. I have taken college algebra and even a pre-calc class in N.Y. but they do not measure up to what SMC teaches in fact I found what they were teaching is high school level. I feel so far behind now but I have been reading my girlfriends textbook (whom is taking intermediate algebra) and I understand a good 60-70% of it without any review. My problem is though that I need to study Geometry as well for the placement and I am not even sure where to begin.
I have been using: [Math</a> Assessment](<a href=“http://www.smc.edu/apps/pub.asp?Q=57&B=2]Math”>http://www.smc.edu/apps/pub.asp?Q=57&B=2) to help myself study for the placement but I am hoping someone here can point me in some direct direction on what I could study to score myself into pre-calc and so that I can be prepared to take pre-calc. What is worrying me the most is geometry as well as some word problems (I always have problems here). I was told by a friend once that if I was really good at algebra I could probably figure out the geometry by simple logic but I don’t know! If he was right then I could easily study hardcore on Algebra then take the placement.
Advice, tips, websites - anything you can offer i’d appreciate. I know I am probably just freaking out on some level but I just need to be able to do this thing and I’ll be in good standing with my goals and plans
Thanks guys!