Math Placement Test

<p>Does anyone know what kind of material is on the math placement exam? any hints for concepts to review beforehand/what I should be prepared to know/do?</p>

<p>I think the placement test is to test your knowledge about math. If you prepare and go and do well, you will find yourself in a tougher class than you should be. I think goin unprepared is the best way to know exactly at what level you are.</p>

<p>It's so easy and boring. I've taken UW-Milwaukee's a year ago to take their math classes. I remember it was the UW system placement test.</p>

<p>because of differences in school systems i finished highschool last december so i haven't been doing math for a long time now and really should brush up... what kind of stuff is asked? basic use of formulas or more complex stuff?</p>

<p>Very basic ones.</p>

<p>Some of the sample questions are avaliable on the website.</p>

<p>its pretty easy, just know how to prove riemann sums and u should do alright</p>

<p>riemann sums?! whats that? yikes i think we learn different stuff and techniques here. sigh basic math classes here i come!</p>

<p>link to practice problems please</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>in response to rish, i'm not hoping to be in a higher-level course, I'm hoping to test out completely. i hate math.</p>

<p>hehe, you cant do that. If you have a good enough score in the placement test you are exempted from Quantitive Reasoning A. Similarly English Placement Test can exempt you from Communication Part A of the General Education Requirements.</p>

<p>May be you can try giving the UW Calculus Advance Placement Exam, it ll exempt you from some of the basic calculus classes.</p>

<p>no, i'm positive you can test out of math completely; quite a few of my friends' older siblings have gone to wisconsin and tested out. it may be impossible depending on your major (e.g. tough luck if you're like pre-med or biochem or whatever), but it is possible if your degree doesn't have a mathematical component.</p>

<p>-.- rieman sum;;;</p>

<p>dat's calculus stuf...</p>

<p>they give u stuff on like...</p>

<p>ok here's a sample:</p>

<p>simplify --> (6x - 12)/3</p>

<p>ya... hopefully u can do that</p>

<p>i mean it's easy</p>


<p>Anyways... im planning on majoring in econ, and i have a one semester requirement of econ. I didn't take AP Calc. So my question is can I exempt out of calc if i do good enough on the placement test?</p>

<p>I dont think so, if your scores good enough on the math placement test, you have an option to give UW Advanced Calculus Placement Test. After you give that they mite exempt you from some classes of Calculus.</p>

<p>yeah, i think the placement exams @ SOAR only exempt you from the quantitive and communitive reasoning A. That's the bad news. The good news is that there are a lot of different options that satisfy the B requirements. For instance, instead of taking calculus for quantitive B, you can take an elementary logic course.</p>

<p>I haven't heard about the calc placement exams, though. But it wouldn't be at SOAR anyway.</p>

<p>you want to be an econ major but not take calculus...</p>

<p>If it wouldn't be at SOAR, when's the calc placement exam given then? I need it to register for classes... there's no way I want to be stuck taking 1st-semester calc.</p>

<p>And regarding the econ major: you do realize you're in a math-oriented major, right?</p>